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  1. S

    Controlled Environment Agriculture by Shrubs

    You Grow some really nice grass, dont get me wrong here, but you spend soooooooooo much money on nutes and use soo much shit on your plants to get yeilds that are low. I have seen so many K.I.S.S grows with just maxibloom. 15 $ in nuts for 10 plants 1/4 tsp all the way threw from start to finish...
  2. S

    White Widdow + Ice + 400W = Sirtokes First Grow Post

    Well hi there everyone! I have this grow on another Forum as well, not a very popping place though. I have been lurking around and I gota say, it seems like a very friendly knowledgeable group of people, so I will start by posting info and pics on my current grow. 3 WW “two are about 2 weeks...