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  1. B

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi again OB1, been working stupid hrs, will get some pics on asap, thanks for replying.
  2. B

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi OB1, i'm a new member here i recently posted and said hi. I've got a bit of a problem, i've got 5 plants in a grow tent, they all get watered from the same source with the same ammount of nutes but 2 of them have gdeveloped two toned leaves. Any ideas?
  3. B

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi guys, how you all doing?. just trying out some cannabis cultivation and have a bit of a problem. I;ve got 5 plants in a grow room and i water them all from the same source using the same nutes, the problem is i've got 2 plants that have got 2 - tone leaves (green n yellow), the plants are...
  4. B

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi guys n gals, just introducing myself to the world of cannabis cultivation, got a problem. the leaves on 2 of my 5 plants have changed colour, like a 2 tone varigated colour. The other 3 look fine and the 2 in question are budding well, would just like to know what im doing wrong. Cheers guys.