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  1. shorty45

    help me out take a look

    hmm those plants dont loook to good
  2. shorty45

    big small tall?

    i think im going with a type of lowryder for sure but great advice guys
  3. shorty45

    The aerogarden

    alright thanks for the advice but im growing small plants 1-3ft and im going to using the aerogarden deluxe so more light and it will be taller
  4. shorty45

    big small tall?

    alright thanks
  5. shorty45

    The aerogarden

    well ive been looking at this awesome invention but i was curious as most will this thing grow marijuana it seems like a good set up and its cheap but could i grow a whole plant through all stages with one
  6. shorty45

    big small tall?

    yeah lowryder i have heard of and thats what i was thinking about ordering but i dont want to order quite yet and ive heard of some dwarf plants
  7. shorty45

    Amsterdam Grow House(s)

    open your own shop =x
  8. shorty45

    big small tall?

    alright well im growing in a limited growing space so i was wondering if anyone knew a strain of marijuana plants that tend to bush than grow tall i know a few but more would help
  9. shorty45

    First grow, comments appreciated

    looks good :)
  10. shorty45

    male or female?!?!?

    well males grow balls pretty fast so if they look like pollin sacks it will be male, this was my male
  11. shorty45

    I'm a stoner! I need to pass a drug test!

    detox are good go to a health food store they have stuff there that will help or energy drinks work
  12. shorty45

    First grow, stem question

    if its small get a tooth pick and just like tie it to the stem and put it in the dirt should be fine =)
  13. shorty45

    Distance of the light to plants?

    my method is put your hand on top of the plants if its 2 hot for your hand its 2 hot for the plants
  14. shorty45

    omg germing

    alright so my seeds have been germinating for over a week and still haven't opened ive done this many times befor idk whats wrong, i have them in a paper towel in a jar with little water in a warm dark place but there not opening any ideas!there are 4 of them germin
  15. shorty45


    well this site Gardeners Supply Company - Garden Supplies, Tools, and Gardening Tips has a huge variety of stuff to help grow from indoor to outdoor check it out =)
  16. shorty45

    What is the best reflective survice to use in your growroom

    yeah mylar is good but tinfoil works but isn't as reflective
  17. shorty45

    My 1 and half month old plant.

    yes males grow balls fast like in under a week u could tell so prolly female
  18. shorty45

    help sexing pics included

    yeah the first plant i grew was a male the plant in my avatar is male its about 1 1/2 months old
  19. shorty45

    I broke the very tip of the growing tip of a seedling. Should I toss it?

    i dont think how badly broken is it
  20. shorty45

    Bottom, first set of leaves turning yellow!

    u need a tid bit better light