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  1. littlecrack

    veg light need some advice guys

    thanks for the help guys
  2. littlecrack

    veg light need some advice guys

    and wheres the best place to get t5s guys? how many watts will i need? sorry if these are pretty basic questions, thanks again
  3. littlecrack

    veg light need some advice guys

    it will be vented, not definite on how atm, but been thinking about bathroom extraction fans, or something cheap ;) and theyll be in soil and im planning to take them to flowering i was swaying towards t 5's tbh thanks for the advice keep it comming
  4. littlecrack

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    im planning 4ft x 2ft x 6ft grow box out of a wardrobe with a 400hps light for flowering about 2/3 plants any advice on ventilation and what lights to use for veg (or any at all) would be appreciated thanks very much
  5. littlecrack

    400w Grow Questions

    the room im planning sounds similar to yours, how many plants have you got in there? and what light are you using for veg? any advice appreciated thanks alott
  6. littlecrack

    veg light need some advice guys

    what lights should i be using for 2/3 plants in a 4ftx2ftx6ft while there in the vegging stage any advice appreciated im a complete n3wb thanks guys:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:
  7. littlecrack

    400watt HPS powering it so would this be sufficient for a ballast looks quite different to the picture
  8. littlecrack

    400watt HPS powering it are theese what i should be looking for then ?
  9. littlecrack

    400watt HPS powering it

    thank you very much that was very insightful, thanks again
  10. littlecrack

    400watt HPS powering it

    can i hook 1 of these bulbs up to work of the mains? if so how? any advice appreciated im a complete newb:weed:
  11. littlecrack


    what ventilation are you using? could do with some ideas for my own box
  12. littlecrack

    HELP N3WB GROWER on first growbox

    yerr, i know i need to keep the lights away from the plants so i dont burn them, im still trying to figure out the cheapest yet most effective way to ventilate my growdrobe, ive been thinking bathroom ventilation fans, reckon theese will keep it cool enough?
  13. littlecrack

    HELP N3WB GROWER on first growbox

    and do you think 3 plants would grow alright in this space?
  14. littlecrack

    HELP N3WB GROWER on first growbox

    thanks for the input i was beginning to think 4-5 plants would be abit cramped, i will probably still get the 2 and just use one for now to see, what fans have you been using for ventilation, im not sure what to go for really :S
  15. littlecrack

    HELP N3WB GROWER on first growbox

    :joint:im planning a grow, i havnt been looking in to it long at the moment but i have a fairly big wardrobe (4ft x 2ft x 6ft) that im planning to make a box out of for 4-5 plants, im thinking of using 2 HPS e40 400watt grow light bulbs, and a home made carbon filter i know i need more...
  16. littlecrack

    smoke weed

    smoke weed