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  1. Mr celsius

    Spectrums and triggering early flower in outdoor plants

    I was pondering on autoflower plants early this morning and wondering if they had got any better over the years. They do look better then the ones I grew back in 2010, but the inconsistencies and overall lack of quality are still obviously there. I'm not trying to turn this into an autoflower...
  2. Mr celsius

    Cree 1000W DE HPS Replacement Reference Design

    Having read what you've wrote a number of times, I get the impression I know your type. I'm from Nor Cal, home of the idiot commercial grower (sub 100 IQ without an original thought in their heads). I've met many of you. If you think these things, then go do them. Otherwise, let the smart people...
  3. Mr celsius

    Anyone having any skin cancer issues with HPS and LED lights?

    HPS and MH put off a good amount of infrared which is the same type of heat that you're feeling when sitting around a camp fire. You know that feeling?
  4. Mr celsius

    Anyone having any skin cancer issues with HPS and LED lights?

    Skin cancer is cause by exposure to UV radiation. UVA makes up most of our natural sun light. It goes deeper into the skin and causes skin ageing. It is now also linked to skin cancer UVB is most likely to burn the skin and is the main cause of non melanoma skin cancer UVC is filtered out by...
  5. Mr celsius

    Cree 1000W DE HPS Replacement Reference Design

    Thank you for looking into this. Maybe if you said the exact cost per board, we could get a group buy together?
  6. Mr celsius

    New Vero Cob?

    Where are people purchasing Citizens? The only source I've seen is Digikey and it seems expensive.
  7. Mr celsius

    New Vero Cob?

    Please excuse my ignorance for I am still learning about LEDs and attempting to understand them on a more sophisticated level. How do I properly read this data sheet? Edit: Found this thread and answered a lot of my questions: If you have any...