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  1. masterofpuppets

    Mixing Lights: HPS, MH, and.... LED?

    love the tilt! lol, ya sorry to blab, i didnt realize that post got so long! my setup is stupid complicated... I'm basically looking for some advice on pushing some LED's into a mixed environment. spectrum, band, angle, etc... You wont regret the MH in flower BTW, good luck! I'll get some pics...
  2. masterofpuppets

    Non Toxic Reservoir Repair?

    Just in case someone ever runs across this problem again, here was my outcome. I let it go a few more weeks until the end of harvest. No apparent adverse effects on the plant other than the interruption during the fix so I don't believe anything toxic leached into the water. Overall I guess I...
  3. masterofpuppets

    Mixing Lights: HPS, MH, and.... LED?

    Hi all, Just harvested and thinking about some changes. Right now it's 3 x 1000w in an 8x8 flower room, sealed w/co2. I replaced one HPS with a MH in a magnum-ocho hood (huge throw to the edges of the 60 site aeroponic setup). The results were awesome! Super thick colas on 3 foot plants...
  4. masterofpuppets


    this thread is the biggest train wreck I've ever seen!!!! :wall: So painful... but you gotta look! Had to bump it again for sheer comic value. And to those who tried to interject common sense in there: Well done sirs.:clap::clap::clap: you have much more patience than I!! But seriously, how...
  5. masterofpuppets

    Non Toxic Reservoir Repair?

    ya, no doubt! but it's not just me bein cheap... I got 30 days left in bloom, and I'd rather not take the fucker down mid cycle unless absolutely necessary!
  6. masterofpuppets

    Non Toxic Reservoir Repair?

    I was thinking there would be something out there like that - like a JB weld for plastic... I haven't found anything though. Anybody know what it is? All of the techniques i found involved burly tools except solvent welding which might involve decomposing plastic in a solvent and then letting it...
  7. masterofpuppets

    Non Toxic Reservoir Repair?

    good point about the metal, i hadn't even thought that through with rust and all. Problem with using just the silicone (aquarium) is that I'm afraid your probably right that it will leak since its bigger than a crack... Beavr, plastic welding?? No idea... I'll check it out but if it involves...
  8. masterofpuppets

    Non Toxic Reservoir Repair?

    Hi all, I was doing some cleanup in my flower room the other day and in trying to prop up my tank (terrible idea in retrospect...) Long story short, I punched a hole about the size of a pencil into the bottom of my aeroflo 60 res. Needless to say it was a chaotic scene! After debating all kinds...