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  1. weedman2

    3 Female plants!!

    Any pro growers out therebongsmilie
  2. weedman2

    3 Female plants!!

    Hey guys i have here 3 female plants. Like a dumbass i forgot the week of flowering im in probably 4-5 weeks, not sure. Anyone guessing what weeks they look? how much longer should i go? PLANT #1 PLANT #2 PLANT #3 (OG)
  3. weedman2

    Did i do something wronge

    Hey guys i started my flowering about 2 weeks ago! no buds just getting some white hairs. well while i was in week 1 in a half i topped it? was i supposed to not top it since it was flowering? the very top has 2 more branches growing where i toped and its getting crystals on them. Help will be...
  4. weedman2

    Second grow!!!

    right now im only using a 42 CFL... the red color looking one... how long will that plant be ok with that... when do i have to start getting more... the soil is also fox farm ocean forest i heard that was the shit so i went to go get that...
  5. weedman2

    Second grow!!!

    hey guys this is my second grow and here are the pics... the plant is 1 week old and 1 day...How does my little plant look:bigjoint:.
  6. weedman2

    My little Plant

    whats up guys well this plant is like a month and something old, probobly almost 2 well its starting to show a lot of white hairs so are the pics... o the other branch broke ya thats why it looks weird...
  7. weedman2


    i have 2 main tops but just the very top of it broke, lets c like a whole node..ill get pics and its too late i already just picked it out...just found out its a female to it has like 4 white pistils...:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  8. weedman2


    damn guys one of my tops broke but it still hanging...can i still save the top or will it grow back or will the plant die..
  9. weedman2

    First Grow!!!!

    nice plant man what kind is u think this baby will be a female...
  10. weedman2

    First Grow!!!!

    nice man but hopefully mine will be a female when i flower it...but does the darkness have to be very dark big time.. im also just using 2 lights each 23 watts but i think one is 26...should i get four on them now
  11. weedman2

    First Grow!!!!

    hey guys been a while for updates camera got messed up heres an update. im going to start floweing it today at 5... heres a new plant of mine too...
  12. weedman2

    How does this sound???

    o ok will im getting a 400 watt instead now for sure ordering it from inside many plants can i grow with this HPS light
  13. weedman2

    How does this sound???

    Im planning on getting a HPS...250 to 400 watt...but how much will the lights bill go up planning on using for maybe 18/6...
  14. weedman2

    First Grow!!!!

    well this is my first grow too and my first time topping a plant..well i did it right just cutt of the very top of the plant look it it on images or webs..u well find it cause thats why i did.
  15. weedman2

    First Grow!!!!

    they said that topping the plant makes it small and i wanted to see whats up and i topped mine so it looks pretty bushy now...:blsmoke:
  16. weedman2

    First Grow!!!!

    plant is looking good now so i doubt that it was the ph and nute burn stuff...
  17. weedman2

    First Grow!!!!

    i think its because i didnt water it for 2 days and plus i putted it outside for the sun so im thinking that the sun proboly heated it up or something..not nute or fert burn neither cause i didnt even use it this really a big deal..
  18. weedman2

    First Grow!!!!

    hey guys got freaken bad news, like 3 of my leafs got crispy when i touch it it just craks...should i just ignore and wait till new leaves will come out or what should i do...
  19. weedman2

    Jock horror grow

    ya man ur right they are growing pretty slow....check out my plant and its only 2 weeks and 2 days....imagine when its day 45....
  20. weedman2

    First Grow!!!!

    haha thanks natmoon u really make me feel good about the plant...hopefully its a female:?...anybody know a website on fox farm pictures for my yield to be good or some wat of fertilizer that will make my yield:mrgreen: