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  1. J

    i clipped a good amount of my leaves off

    its ok to cut off a few for light to get to the buds. but not too much b/c they will go into shock. and it takes a couple days to recover so they wont grow much once you do. either way its not ganna effect the buds much i beleive that one dude (darkdestruction420) he seems to know his shit
  2. J


    ok so i just need a magnifying thing. thank you everyone.
  3. J


    yea i know once you put them in flowering stage they grow about twice as big. but most web sites recommend 18-20 inches b 4 u do that. plus you get way more buds. but im pretty sure the one is a male...cause why else would there be sac looking things u know? so would you know if it can pollinate...
  4. J


    they are only a foot tall though. haha thats a slap on the face if u go for a 24" plant said and done
  5. J

    Need help sexing, are these male parts?

    oh yea def. a male. if i were u id cut it right now and smoke it. there is still thc in the plant
  6. J

    Mg deficiency? PH problem?? Halp!

    hey man your ph level should most def. be between 5.5-6.5..........6.3 is about perfect. marijuana plants are an acid loveing plant so you should change it immediately
  7. J


    i wish i could take pics but dont have a camera and my friends dont recomend it lol. the one we were sure was a female is the one with the seed looking things on them...which sucks b/c its very very bushy and i would probably get alot of buds out of it.
  8. J

    Veg room question

    a good idea is it try to gently wrap some type of soft rope around ur plant so u and pull them down and tie it. it forces the plant to grow straight up towards the light. and try pruning them too. it'll take about 2 wks but eventually grow 2 branches instead of just 1. and once the plant go's...
  9. J

    ima check that page out u posted though. sounds cool. i dnt understand how it would work right...

    ima check that page out u posted though. sounds cool. i dnt understand how it would work right off hand though....
  10. J

    hey fyi im pretty positive you want 2700k for growing and 6500k for flowering. b/c think about...

    hey fyi im pretty positive you want 2700k for growing and 6500k for flowering. b/c think about it when its fall the sunsets are more of an orange color. and u just want a blue spectrum for gowing. ive read this in litteraly every page i have looked at
  11. J


    ok i have 3 plants. they are about 3 months old but only a foot tall. they look like they have had pistol looking things for awile now. but when i checked on them yesterday i noticed that the 2 have white pistols that look bigger and stringy....the other one looks like it has little sacs....but...
  12. J

    hey im confused about how to work this website...can u help? i just want to ask some questions...

    hey im confused about how to work this website...can u help? i just want to ask some questions about my plants