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  1. johanngraham

    You ever seen purp like this?

    Shit, man those buds look awesome. Do you know if Dutch Passion's Strawberry Cough actually turns purple?
  2. johanngraham

    Anyone Know Anything About Moby Dick???

    lol Do you mean if I have seen the White Whale??? Sorry, all I've read is it grows large and requieres a lot of nutes; especially micro.
  3. johanngraham

    Taking cuttings during flowering

    I've tried both "bending" and "taking clones during flowering". IMHO I'd recommend to take the cuttings about the time when the first set of calixes open, and to do so by cutting off the tips of the plant -as I've found it easier for them to root that way. It is true that as the flowering...
  4. johanngraham

    Sagarmartha Seed Company: FEM PACKS CONTAIN MALES!

    I also bought 3 Smurfberry fems from Sagarmartha from the Attitude. So far the only one I've germed turned out to be a MALE!!! I mean, first they make the customer pay extra for fems, for what? For it to turn out the other way around??? WTF At least I think I'll use the pollen. I wonder if it is...
  5. johanngraham

    White Rhino or Cannatonic? Which is a better medicinal strain for insomnia?

    I tried the White Rhino from a couple of years now. I remember it put me to sleep after 20-40 minutes. It did get somewhat cerebral at the beginning, but I remember quite well it was a narcotic effect, at least in the end. Now that i've been having insomnia again, I'm thinking...
  6. johanngraham

    Can I Take Clones from Clones Several Times?

    Oh and I always took the top of the plant for a cutting. That is, there was the 1st plant (the one that sprouted), I took the top, let the rest to flower, and waited for the cutting to root, then i let her grow for a while, took cuttings and let flower, and so on. I only took about 1-3 cuttings...
  7. johanngraham

    Can I Take Clones from Clones Several Times?

    Look, I once grew about 30 little plants over a year or so just from one Female seeds Bubblegummer cutting. Just make sure you always have at least one under 24/24 (in my case, a CFL did perfectly fine, for just one little cutting at the time).Always the same product.
  8. johanngraham

    Dj Shorts Original Blueberry vs True Blueberry

    Hey, I just want to thank you for your reviews. It was them who made me decide for Serious' Bubblegum instead THC's. And now I think you've just made me decide for the TBB. Tanks a lot.
  9. johanngraham

    Doggies Nuts, Is He Nutz? 80 Bucks a Seed

    Oh yeah, I forgot: Im thinking about trying one of dj shorts blueberry strains. Any advice on that?
  10. johanngraham

    Doggies Nuts, Is He Nutz? 80 Bucks a Seed

    Hey, Im no expert, cos I've only grown cheap seedsman's strains, but to me good-cared for cheap genetics gives first grade bud. So, do these superexpensive genetics are really wothwhile?
  11. johanngraham

    Seedsman's Indian Haze

    Hi. I'm new posting, and I just want to share my latest experience, which was growing the Seedsman's Indian Haze. I'm going to try to be as concise as possible on this review. Don't hesitate to ask anything else: Quite easy to grow strain. Vegetates to a considerable height -sometimes wildly-...