Search results

  1. palmrain

    General "how to approch new doctor?" question RI

    Hi, I sympathize with you. I have a number of things goin on with my back,neck, hip-nerve damage u name it. I find that MMJ does relax me, when there are times the narcotics dont help. Granted there are many times I NEED a pain pill, but I MUCH prefer vaping or smoking MJ.I am trying to find...
  2. palmrain

    Silly question re: Space case grinders

    :? Hi all!!! Just want to ask a silly question, as I am not familiar with space cases. I have been using a coffee grinder to grind my herb. I am hearing how wonderful these grinders are that catch the pollen, along with the pollen presses. Can anyone tell me the benefits of buying one (as I know...
  3. palmrain

    Has anyone purchased this vape?????

    VAPOR WAREZ 3G HANDS FREE VAPOR CANNON HERBAL VAPORIZER - eBay (item 220247895030 end time Jun-28-08 13:18:13 PDT) OR.......................this one Easy Vape Digital Hands Free Vaporizer on Sale @ and which do you prefer?????? Both look good to me-how about this one???? think...
  4. palmrain

    Gay Marriage ...

    I am so glad to read such positive posts regarding this issue...... Most people have so much hateful negativity towards the gay community it's sickening! Well as most gays and their supporters already know, those who have to judge, those are the biggest closet cases goin. They want to take the...
  5. palmrain

    Vaporizer info.........Anyone?????

    Hey all! I just wanted to know if anyone out there has any experience with a good vaporizer. I personally always smoked joints, blunts and bongs. Now I hear that vapes are a good way to go... I see there are so many on E-Bay, but most are definitely a little bit too pricey. I see there are a...