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  1. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    Thanks I've moved two more into the flower box. The clones are doing well. Time to rebuild the veg room into a flower room. I'm also flipping the light cycle over to on at 8 pm and off at 8 am. I think it will be easier to do maintenance that way.
  2. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    Yeah!!! We have a big healthy girl! Next steps. 1. Fresh Nutes and move two from veg. 2. Move clones 3. Rip out Veg room and go 45" by 38" by 8' ventilated flower box with 400 HPS and CFL bank. 4. Fix HVAC issues especially pertaining to cold ass climate. 5. Go to store, buy more toys. 6...
  3. Gettofabguy

    Venting Down Sewer Question

    My clean-out is located in the floor right next to my grow closet. It would be crazy simple to hook up a backflow valve and a 6" flex pipe to it. It is well past the traps. So, if I have fresh air coming into the closet near the floor, and pull air through my reflector and then down the...
  4. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    I didn't do a great job with the photo, but here is a picture of a curly white hair! If I can confirm this tomorrow I will pull some more clones off of her. I am starting to see that their are a lot of things that you just need to do as you learn how to garden. I'm starting to think I have...
  5. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    I appreciate the input. I decided I may switch my grow room around and go ahead and install my 250 HPS in what is now the veg room and keep the LED and CFL's for vegging. I am enjoying the learning process. Everything growing right now is unidentified seeds from commercial dirt. I think I...
  6. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    First setback. Half of my crop is a confirmed male and has been eliminated. I had to get rid of four clones also. I should be able to tell on my other plant in the flower box soon. It seems to be stretching a little, but it is not showing sex at all yet. Hopefully.... I may try getting more...
  7. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    Tried a few out of boredom. Slight buzz, must be patient.
  8. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    Here's slightly closer. I don't see the football structures.
  9. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    Am I a girl? Can anyone tell from this photo? This is two plus weeks in flower. The structure seems different than past leaf growth. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
  10. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    I made a trip to the supply store yesterday and purchased a bigger pump and new bottles of nutrients. I made another reservoir for the flowering box, so now I have four baskets available. I am realizing now that my set-up is taking way too much room for the amount of baskets it will hold. I...
  11. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    Clones are in fresh water with a little left over veg nutes. I need a prop mat, but for now I have a heat pad. I just want enough water to cover the bottom of the tray and just into the rock wool, right? As for the males. What I would do is let them mature and pollinate one other girl to...
  12. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    Yeah, I have backed off on the spray. How much water do I want to keep in the tray? Do I let the leaves sit in the water, or clip them? THX
  13. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    Here are some more pics. These are my second round of plants. I sprouted some seeds from a bag of shitty Mexican commercial. Here's hoping that it was dirt due to the drying and shipping. This is a shot of my weak looking clones. They came from the two plants that I moved into the flower...
  14. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    Thanks for the good word. I didn't plan to go this big so soon, but the space was just prime for it. I made an exhaust fan that pulls through some carbon filters and have a yeast bubbler in the flower box. I know I will need to do something better on where the exhaust goes and the CO2...
  15. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    Here are some more pictures. Current shot of two plants in the flower box. Yes, I have been clipping, drying and smoking leaves to keep the light penetrating. What can I say?
  16. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    In the Flower box I have two 150 Watt CFL's, a shop light with two tru-gro tubes and a Glow Panel 45. Here's my girl's a month later. My grow times are probably really slow compared to pro grows, but I am learning a ton.
  17. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    My Veg area is about 5 by 4. I have it covered in reflective insulation and used a closet door to access it. Inside I have 2 shop lights with grow tubes, humidifier, heater, fan and some other gear. My first purchase was an Emily's Garden beginners set. This is my first baby at around two weeks.
  18. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    Well it turns out I don't even know how to add to my thread. "NEWBIE" NEWBIE" NEWBIE" Anyway, here's the door to the grow closet. That's the flower box on the right side.
  19. Gettofabguy

    I'll take what's behind door number one...

    I'll take what's behind door number one.
  20. Gettofabguy

    My Grow

    Here it goes. One day I decided to grow my own weed. I will tell you how it worked out and share some photos with you. Won't this be a hoot? I will get to loading photos and get back to you real soon.