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  1. glasspipes420

    Should i go by this or what???

    dude i got 9 weeks dude couse ur pistols have not started turnin colors rigght so let go 8 or nine weeks that or cut the big buds off the top of the plant and let the lower part go a few more weeks
  2. glasspipes420

    Thought i had it under control.....I THOUGHT IT WAS BAD PH.......But now im not sure

    u got root rot dont u on that big plant thats budding and thos 3 new pics of the babys they need tranplanted see how the leaves are startin to sag
  3. glasspipes420

    Thought i had it under control.....I THOUGHT IT WAS BAD PH.......But now im not sure

    that ur plant and bull it out of what ever its in and like ur tranplanting it and see if all ur roots are madded up together and that hole ball of dirt is white thats root rot
  4. glasspipes420

    Thought i had it under control.....I THOUGHT IT WAS BAD PH.......But now im not sure

    i found this out by reading and i have read 4 every foot of plant the plant need 2 feet of roots so growing a 3 ft plant in a 5 gallon bucket just dont work i grow 2 foot plants in 4 ft trash cans and my leafe dieing and yellowing leaves stoped
  5. glasspipes420

    Thought i had it under control.....I THOUGHT IT WAS BAD PH.......But now im not sure

    do see how the top of ur plant is really thin and looks like its revegin it root rot all get that plant in a bigger container and cut back on the food just plain 5.5 ph tap water itll take ur problems away
  6. glasspipes420

    Thought i had it under control.....I THOUGHT IT WAS BAD PH.......But now im not sure

    i have the same thing goin on and i found that its over watering and nute burn and that ur plants are root rot .
  7. glasspipes420

    HELP! Leaf tips white, then turning yellow. few brown spots on lower leaves.

    yeah that plants to big 4 that red jug 4 every foot of play u need 2 feet of roots so trans plant that shit
  8. glasspipes420

    my plant stopped growing

    water that fucker and put it closer to the light like right up on the lite not 6 or 8 inchs away like a inch away what kinda lite u got them under
  9. glasspipes420

    I think I have nutrient lock

    ok put them in too bigger pots tomorrow water them then dont water 4 two days and not more nutrients just plan tap water of spring water and it will take care of ur problem
  10. glasspipes420

    I think I have nutrient lock

    dude dont water that plant no more u over watered it with all the nutes and u most likey watered it everyday right
  11. glasspipes420

    I think I have nutrient lock

    heres ur problem dude that pot is to fuckin small 4 that plant and ur over feeding it as well and ur yellow and rusting leaves will stop dying after u geta bigger pot it root bond dude 4 every foot of plant u need a foot of roots so get some tall skinny tarsh cans and see after a few...
  12. glasspipes420


    water the shit out of them the get the soil moist then dont water 4 a few days they will live
  13. glasspipes420

    Possible nute burn?

    ur deal is coused bye over watering and the mc soil i has to many nutes in it all ready water every other day or 3 days and put down some buckets of water in ur grow area 4 so moisture in the air and it should take kare of ur deal i deal with the same thing
  14. glasspipes420

    Seeking Advice

    one more thing u need to air tho plants a little better and get them out of thos 5 gal buckets 4 every foot of pland it need two feet of roots so leavin then in thos buckets will couse root rot witch i bet is all ready goin on with ur plants and if u can grow in clear container so u can...
  15. glasspipes420

    Should i cut my fan leaves?

    ur fan leaves draws all the lite in 4 the plant to grow if u cut the fan leaves ur plate cant grow = if u did cut ur fans just turn off ur light and throw ur plants away couse thier fucked
  16. glasspipes420

    please help my little plants leafs are curling up

    i got the same thing goin on and i been reading a lot and the deal is ur ph level needs to come way down and that the soil ur using is over feeding the plants i us miral grow too and the lite being to close has shit to do with it but if u fan leaves are trying out and dyiing thats to means...