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  1. E

    Question About Mushroom Growing

    Yea Im a member over there. My thing is, when I get into something I get into something I really get into it. So I like to start from basics and learn it all. Eventually I will end up with a dedicated room to growing shrooms most likely. Not just cubes but edibles as well. I actually have the...
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    Question About Mushroom Growing

    sonar, I need to make about 3 liquid culture jars for 3 different strains. Do you have any suggestions on lids to use for this? I need a lid with and injection site and also a site that allows for gas exchange/air exchange or whatever so I don't have to inject 10cc of sterile air myself each...
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    Things to Grow

    Hey everyone. I have been messing around with growing several different things lately just for some fun and was now starting to wonder something. Besides MJ what other plants can be grown to smoke that have similar effects or at least some "good feeling" effect? I was trying to search around...
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    Question About Mushroom Growing

    Thanks for the input astro. That would be alright to do if I wasn't trying to eliminate a step. When growing from spore (either a spore syringe or spore print), it takes slightly longer to colonize than it does with a liquid culture. The reason for this is that a liquid culture is mycelium...
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    Question About Mushroom Growing

    Hey everyone. I have recently been looking into growing mushrooms and would like to have something explained to me more clearly. Basically I understand the conditions that need to be met in order to grow mushrooms and I also understand everything that is needed to successfully grow mushrooms...
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    Thanks alot that makes more sense. One more question. I know you said about using a tray. Is a seed starting tray a good starter tray for herbs? Like I have a germination tray with 72 starter cells in it. They are probably 1" cells. Would I just want to use this for starting and pop like 1-2...
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    I had a question about herbs. Basically everything I read shows people putting several seeds within 1 starter pot with any herb being basil, oregano, chives, catnip, parsely, spearmint, or rosemary. My question is how much does just 1 seed yield of these things. Are they planting like 10 in a...
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    Odor control help please

    yes but i think i would get more out of it if i controled the odours location by moving it all to 1 tent as the veg tent wont smell quite to bad like the flower tent. Then when that is all filtered out through the carbon filter if there is any leftover oddour i should be able to control it with...
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    Odor control help please

    Alright thanks alot for the input everyone. I think Ill just go with venting everything to the flower tent and have my real filter there and use some ona gel as well.
  10. E

    What Can I Fit?

    Thanks! I did find a few free ebooks about it as well. The thing is some say one thing and some say another. Good example is one said that you could fit 2 tomato plants in 1 square. Even myself never doing squarefoot gardening before can tell that 2 tomato plants each square is rediculous. Ten...
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    Odor control help please

    is this along the lines of what you are talking about? Thats first one that popped up when searched. How do you tell what a good one is or which ones are shit. I know nothnig about these things.
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    First Time Growing Northern Lights Feminised Seeds

    If you can get a small enclosure you could get away with a 400W MH/HPS light for your grow. If you cant be bother to get both a MH and HPS get the HPS as it is the better choice for using the same light during both veg and flowering.
  13. E

    First Time Growing Northern Lights Feminised Seeds

    Hey veggera. Since your seeds are feminized you will only need 1 for 1 plant as long as it sprouts. For your light question I am not sure how you would manage lighting efficiently using both sunlight and artificial light because when you grow you either veg with 24/0 lighting or something like...
  14. E

    Odor control help please

    Thanks for replies guys. Yes Dank that is from home depot that was a temp setup just to get it under control for now as this was just to air out a test run plant. That fan is going to be used jsut for some air circulation for my little tent which wont need a filter. Pure I will be getting that...
  15. E

    What Can I Fit?

    Hey everyone. This year I am building a garden outside that will be either 12'x6' or 12'x8' depending how it fits the yard. I am going to be quarter this garden into 4 6'x3' or 6'x4' sections. I have made up a design and have graphed it into square foot sections and now im looking to find out...
  16. E

    First Time Growing Northern Lights Feminised Seeds

    If your asking for help with what you need other than your seeds then in my opinion the 4-5 steps to research would be the following. 1. Grow Room (what space are you going to be working as in LxWxH) 2. Lighting (once you get your grow room size you will need lighting to meet the needs of your...
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    150w mh

    hey heres another question related slightly. Is a 150W MH create more heat than a 200W flouro or would the flouro generate more being 200W?
  18. E

    150w mh

    Wow thanks. Only other question is why is it so expensive what what you get? I mean I paid that for a 400 setup with a ballast for both mh and hps and it came with both bulbs. Is there a reason this isnt relativly cheaper?
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    150w mh

    Anyone know where I can get one that is already together? Only shit I can find is just the bulb or just a ballast type thing and I want the complete set.
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    Carbon filter choice

    wow too stoned did realize til now that you were linking my to another topic rather than asking simply how big haha thanks.