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  1. B

    Checked FAQ, still a little confused. Diagnosis?

    Thanks for the reply. In regards to the second picture, it is more abundant on the older leaves, the newer ones not so much. The leaves are somewhat crispy. It might be due to the lights, but I'm not sure. The temperature is 80-84F. and Humidity is around 40%. (Also grown indoors.) The first...
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    Checked FAQ, still a little confused. Diagnosis?

    Hey rollitup, I've tried diagnosing the problem before asking the question. The problem looks anywhere from phosphorus, zinc deficiencies to ph fluctuation. However I'm not really too sure. Here are 3 picture of 3 different plants. 1st one is the oldest, the next 2 are two of the same age...
  3. B

    Some people just don't have 'it'

    I might have to actually stop this hobby I've grown fond of. I hate quitting but, I think sometimes its better to stop before getting involved with more projects that fail and more money wasted. Patiently I've tried 3 attempts to grow in a stealth cabinet I made myself, It's a standard wooden...
  4. B

    have to have a male with female? or they all go male?

    no. no. no. no. I posted no that many times because I couldn't just type 3 characters, it had to be 10...
  5. B

    My first grow is basically FUBAR'D! Pics that need advice.

    Neutral water, so the pH is 7. no nutrients thus far. Not using Miracle Grow, I'm using fox farms Ocean soil. So yeah, probably a couple headstones and a few good words might help 'em eh?
  6. B

    My first grow is basically FUBAR'D! Pics that need advice.

    Well, its been week 2 and some days now. They've been through alot of trauma which is pretty much my fault. Over or underwatering, not sure which, the soil is always, always dry so there was a moment where I would keep the soil moist but not over watered (w/ the moisture meter). I was then told...
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    New born: already troubled. Need Quick Help Please (Pics Inside)

    FoD, thanks alot bro, unfortunately I am very new to this game, however when I have a drive for a hobby I tend to think I do well. So with great advice from what you've given I'll take it and hold it higher than everyone else gave me (no offense to the others that did help me substantially)...
  8. B

    New born: already troubled. Need Quick Help Please (Pics Inside)

    I just knocked over all 3 cups and some soil flew off the top of each one. I replaced the removed soil with new soil. I didn't see any exposed roots, and all plants stayed in the cup, but I did see a bit of stem that hasn't been exposed to light. I hope they won't be too shocked from that. Meh...
  9. B

    New born: already troubled. Need Quick Help Please (Pics Inside)

    Thanks man, everything you said in your previous post was pretty spot on. I kind of thought it might be the fan at its high speed would dry out the boxes humidity and soil. When put the way you say it, it sounds more logical than me over watering it. However, I do think me spraying it doesn't...
  10. B

    New born: already troubled. Need Quick Help Please (Pics Inside)

    I have perlite chilling, however, I honestly think I probably don't need it for the soil I have. I do have holes I made in the cups I am currently using for my sprouts, but I'm not watering until water starts seeping out yet. I didn't think that was a smart thing to do for newborns since I would...
  11. B

    New born: already troubled. Need Quick Help Please (Pics Inside)

    How much water is an adequate amount for each plant until the transplant from cup to pot is needed? I know it depends but a fair measurement would really help me out with my first grow. For every other 2-3 days I should give them 'X' amount of water?
  12. B

    New born: already troubled. Need Quick Help Please (Pics Inside)

    Thanks for the encouragement bro, your advice helped me alter my perception on the matter. I too am spraying them which probably makes my CFLs burn my leaves which is why they are yellowing. Never thought of it that way. Every 2 days it is. I guess I'm just going to have to be patient. The whole...
  13. B

    New born: already troubled. Need Quick Help Please (Pics Inside)

    I just watered them an hour ago which i guess didn't help. from the looks of what state they are currently in is there a chance they will survive from the alleged over-watering?
  14. B

    New born: already troubled. Need Quick Help Please (Pics Inside)

    no Nutrients since I heard its a no-no to do the nutrients in the first few weeks of vegetation. Just Fox Farms Will do bro, I really hope that will work. Is there any cure for overwatering besides time? Yes, I have an oscillating fan in the front blowing over my whole box for the time being...
  15. B

    New born: already troubled. Need Quick Help Please (Pics Inside)

    I stick my moisture meter down to root level. I make sure to take accurate measurements before making a decision. I agree that watering everyday seems like too much. Every time I get home from work or am out of the house it seems like the soil is bone dry. And thats by both testing with fingers...
  16. B

    New born: already troubled. Need Quick Help Please (Pics Inside)

    Hey. Heres my set up. 76 Degree/30% humidity. atmosphere differs easily depending on when I squirt water. Oscillating fan over the 3 sprouts at all times on high to keep temperature to 76 and not reaching above 80 degrees. I water every time the moist measurer I have shows dry. so basically...
  17. B

    An Easy and Cheap DYI CFL Setup!

    I know, I spent so much time splicing, tripping breakers, melted my ring! in the process, and one day I find these little plugin sockets and I'm just engulfed in relief. I just hope more people who are doing the same thing I was doing become enlightened to the phenomenon of socket plugs!
  18. B

    My seeds aren't sprouting...

    I might have to start over again, I had my moisture measurer on PH setting and i overwatered again -_-. I went ahead and suran wrapped the cups. I'm using a styrofoam cup, so I think it should be adequate enough. I think I'm just being impatient like you guys say. Thanks for the help :D I'm...
  19. B

    My seeds aren't sprouting...

    So I germinated 3 seeds and put them in their own cup with Fox Farm Oceans. I'm using 8 CFLs, 4 Daylight: 4Soft white. The cups are 6inches away from the light. I know plants should be within inches of CFL's but not even a couple hours and my soil dries up. I bought a moisture measurer to help...
  20. B

    Soft, daylight, bright white?

    For vegetation don't just get all bright white bulbs. Sometimes mixing up the spectrum will help this particular cycle. Try doing a 10 to 3 ratio? I'm currently using a 50-50 approach. 4 softs and 4 daylights. As for flowering, yes, use all red spectrumed bulbs or soft whites.