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  1. J

    Locked Facility

    Make sure you give AZDHS your comments and suggestions Fridays the last day This was mine AZDHS please consider in your rule making. The cost of patient card. Other mmj States average patient card cost is aprox. 55.00 25-mile rule. Here is the reason for the...
  2. J

    Locked Facility

    At the Flagstaff DHS meeting someone brought up the fact DHS removed greenhouse as a growing facility, greenhouse was in 203 just the same as 25-mile rule. They seem to have the power to remove greenhouse. Nearly all other mmj states allow patient cultivation. Number of cardholders to patient...
  3. J

    Anyone Planning on Becoming a Caregiver or Growing your Own Medical?

    The way they define the 25-mile rule will kill just about everyone from growing. We need to band together and boycott dispensaries out of business
  4. J

    Anyone Planning on Becoming a Caregiver or Growing your Own Medical?

    This is in the new draft H. For purposes of this Article, "25 miles" includes the area contained within a circle that extends for 25 miles in all directions from a specific location. I find it interesting Humble kept saying the 25-mile rule was not in his power to change, however he seems to...
  5. J

    House bill 2557 introduced, wants to tax AZ medical Marijuana 300%

    Patients need to form an alliance and vow to never buy from a dispensary, this will force them out of business then patients and caregivers can grow. This is the best way to fight back against the 25-mile rule
  6. J

    I Hate being Wrong

    I got it here further in the prop it reads Sec. 5. Conditional repeal; notice A. Section 36-2812, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act, is repealed as of the date the Arizona department of health services...
  7. J

    I Hate being Wrong

    This is an interesting part of the prop 36-2812. Affirmative defense Seems there is no need to register and get a card. says you can grow your own too. you only need to be a qualifying patent. No where in the prop says you must register. I would like to here some Lawyers comment on this...
  8. J

    I Hate being Wrong

    Here is the reason for the 25-mile rule "to give a market to the dispensaries in the community so they'd be viable" listen for yourself. MPP’s Andrew Myers Discusses Medical Marijuana in Arizona | The NORML Stash Blog
  9. J

    Could Part of Prop 203 be Unconstitutional

    hey Jay, What do you think of the 25-mile rule? It was written in so patients would not be able to grow, with the intent that the dispensaries will have all the business. here is the quote "to give a market to the dispensaries in the community so they'd be viable" listen for yourself...