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  1. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    yo 600 im back. and i got some new additions i cant wait to share! :) Yo jig. plus rep if i could. i cant belive your the second name i see after like a year. strong bro. strong.
  2. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    hey 600, on topic today: i use a 600w eye hps and i had my first one for 1 year of continous use and bought a replacement just cuz i heard someone say change 6 months. well i plugged the new bulb into my other 600 hood to see if i could spot a difference. there was none. i dont have any light...
  3. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    totally off topic but i found a great site with free shipping for ph meters and a whole lotta other stuff. unfortunately i bought the ph600 thats listed on this site for 23.95 for 48.00 at a local shop. and it isnt waterproof. unfortunately.... i got it wet.
  4. andrewcovetsall

    Tissue Culture/Micro Propagation Grow from Scratch

    holy shit, i just landed in geek heaven for marijuana growers. totally scribed and gunna have to read from start, cuz i read the last two posts and im dumbstruck. Keep this thread going!!!
  5. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    all about the mp40. i use it till round 20 something, by then i usually got so many point i just random spin the box and use whatever in one hand and the mp40 in the other. not a big fan of pack a punch unless its a special gun. my scores legit, on leaderboards. never had the leaderboard reset...
  6. andrewcovetsall

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    del is the man, im lazy, heres my skunk, i think next weeks chopping time for the rest of her.
  7. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    all day forever, same gamertag as my riu name, 56 on dead ops, 36 kino, 26 five. come see mee!!! edit: xbox
  8. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    im outta meds so this branch got the chop. tell me if you think its ready. also this counts as my 420 entry, chances are i wont be able to post then so heres now. remember what that one guy said. "procrastination kills!"
  9. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    maybe if i had a little more 600 time in. lol. i think im beginning to understand your sig.......
  10. andrewcovetsall

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    mmm looks tasty!!
  11. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    sorry to be a bore, but back on the topic of the sunpulse splitter. will it just run each lamp at a lower wattage? say 500w? or do the lamps perform just as well as if they were on a 600w ballast? also i found a video by monstergardens where they use the splitter with different bulbs and a...
  12. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    this is new to me. any 1000w magnetic ballast? anybody currently using this? id like to know if it really lights a 600 at full. probly my next buy. anyone know where to buy good not so expensive magnetic ballasts? i was going to go with lumatek till i saw someone post with the nasty burnouts...
  13. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    yes. Straight to the bank!
  14. andrewcovetsall

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    heres some more pics.
  15. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    maybe you should hold a bud. then you could have a reason for flexing on riu. j/k with ya bro. but heres what it might look like.:arrow: or it could be a bugger bud. edit:
  16. andrewcovetsall

    Deep water culture only thread

    its the bud candy. its stains bad
  17. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    hey bassman, are you flexing in ur pic or holding a really tiny bud?
  18. andrewcovetsall

    Reserva Privada Kandy Kush Feminized

    i noticed that its almost all 3 bladed leaves. even when it was a baby. check it out. shes on the left.
  19. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    kandy kush 70 days old from wet seed. 12/12. nft, gh nutes at 900 ppm and of course the 600 eye
  20. andrewcovetsall

    so i harvested my scrog. one of my plants hermed and infected half my harvest with these tiny...

    so i harvested my scrog. one of my plants hermed and infected half my harvest with these tiny white seeds. but it was a yield of 6 oz's even without the hermed plant