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  1. E

    First PC Grow

    I used the four 23W cfl bulbs that came with the package, yes I will continue
  2. E

    First PC Grow

    Overall harvest was 16.7g, chuffed, most potent smoke ive had! Was so gooooood<3
  3. E

    First PC Grow

    6 Days to go :weed: :bigjoint:
  4. E

    First PC Grow

    This Friday 4th week finished, then 4 more to go :O omfg
  5. E

    First PC Grow

    Here is the plant part way through the 4th week of budding...Look at those buds <3
  6. E

    First PC Grow

    Here the the buds showing now. This is it, a few days before the start of the 3rd week flowering. Nice smell off it too.
  7. E

    First PC Grow

    Also, just so you know, im not using 12/12. Overheard another grower I know saying that 13/11 may increase yeild so im using that instead and it has forced it into flowering still. :leaf:
  8. E

    First PC Grow

    Here are the pics you wanted to see, This is her 2 weeks into flowering. Some of the leaves at the bottom have browned from the nute burn but thats all sorted and a few of the top leaves have also had a bit of light burn when she was younger when the lights were too close, apart from that she...
  9. E

    First PC Grow

    Thanks bud, yea there was an extra bit of the mylar left and was wondering what it was for, so I covered it up. I havent realised any problems although a few of the roots are going green. Apart from that its all good.
  10. E

    First PC Grow

    Yes this is MrGrowPros Case, worked out really well. Will be uploading more pics tonight. I vegged for about 3-4 weeks from seed as you can see from the earlier pics, it was only about the height of the fans, 12/12 then and it takes a growth spurt a week from there, only 1 germinated seed so...
  11. E

    First PC Grow

    Check it today, seems there are little white hairs emerging from the nodes, cant see any pollen sacks so I beleive its a Female!!! Woot!
  12. E

    First PC Grow

    update: after the first week of flowering it has bushed out a lot more and there is new growth off the branches :) The browning of the leaves got a bit worse so got a mate to look at it and he diagnosed nute burn, I quickly flushed the res and the roots and have now only administered 2ml per...
  13. E

    First PC Grow

    New pics of 3rd day flowering, has taken on quite a growth spurt, hoping to sex it tomorrow if it shows.
  14. E

    First PC Grow

    Cheers, caint wait for the next 59 days XD and for it to show sex
  15. E

    First PC Grow

    Pics of flowering now, first day. Few of the leaves at the bottom are going brown and dying a bit. What do I do? checked my pH and stuff, at 6
  16. E

    First PC Grow

    This is my first ever PC Grow, Case ordered from MrGrowPro. WW strain, Here are some pics. First pic was 1 week veg, second a few days after, third about 1 and a half weeks, fourth & fifth 2-3 weeks. Just gone into flowering now. Will take pics. Also, not sure if i should Scrog or not? Since...