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  1. D

    Orange Spots - Need Help

    no, I am using my well water, it might be hard water. I checked ph of water with the nutes in it, and the runoff water, ph in both cases was about 6.2
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    Orange Spots - Need Help

    germinated seeds, then into FFOF for about 8 weeks, then into 3 gallon grow bags with promix bx, all outdoors, only 5-6 hours of full sun, should I do a flush? 12 plants, not all same strain, not all plants have this condition, maybe 4-5
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    Orange Spots - Need Help

    Newbie here, searched all the threads but could not get a definite answer. Maybe pics will help. Can someone tell me whats going on here & how to correct. 10 weeks old, outdoor, feeding twice a week with advanced floriculture's euro grow type A & B 4 ml/gal. of each part.
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    Bottom Leaves Yellowing....Please Help

    My plants are 7 weeks old, in FFOF, started using bloom nutes Part A & B about 3 weeks ago, I wter them every 2nd or 3rd dat, using the nutes about a third of the time for watering. Outside grow. I am transplanting them tomarrow into 3 gallon grow bags with pro mix BX. The yellowing on the...
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    Need Advise & Opinions on First Grow Room

    Hi I am thinking of using the following set up; Flood & drain 3' x 3', 4" rockwool with clay pebbles around it, lumatek 400 W e ballast(uses both MH & HPS), Hydrofarm Radiant reflector 21" x 21" (no glass), horticulture lamps, exhaust fan for flowering smell, ocillating fan. Not too worried...
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    Need Advise , 1st Grow

    Thanks to all for the info. I have dehumidifer, will the 400 w hps give off alot of heat? IF so can I vent the heat with a canfilter to controll smell at the same time? What type of hood/reflecror do you recommend, with or without glass?
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    Need Advise , 1st Grow

    I have read alot of threads and tried to do the research. I have lots of space, I thinking about flood & drain Hydro for flowering, & drip hydro for veg. Want to use G. H. nutes. CFL's for seed/clone. T5 for veg. Flower light??? Lots of opinions, I would like to use LED, (less heat &...