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  1. haze305

    Bagseed Outdoor turn into 24/7 CFL until bloom, Tips!

    Like the title theres about 6-9 plants, they were originally grown outdoor in South Florida and as nature took its tide they are somewhat tall and start to show preflowers due to the temperature drops. Due to certain circumstances we had to move the plants inside. In a quick rinky dinky setup...
  2. haze305

    Root Hormones + Seedlings?

    hahah no questions, but i am enjoying your conversation(s)
  3. haze305

    Root Hormones + Seedlings?

    ty david once again
  4. haze305

    Root Hormones + Seedlings?

    Im going to pick up some kelp today any others you would recomend.
  5. haze305

    Revegging a Pre forced flowered plant

    will do, will do :D
  6. haze305

    Root Hormones + Seedlings?

    i see what your saying green and i guess organic is good =P
  7. haze305

    Revegging a Pre forced flowered plant

    hey grower thanks for the help but you obviously didnt read it correctly i said its an idea that will be put into action and its still a seedling so im waiting for it to set more fan leaves, nodes etc and then ill put my technique into play i guess i have no other choice but the shade technique...
  8. haze305

    Revegging a Pre forced flowered plant

    please help is good ;DD
  9. haze305

    Root Hormones + Seedlings?

    haha ofcourse i have picked a pesticide & fungicide :D thanks for the help !
  10. haze305

    Revegging a Pre forced flowered plant

    This is just an idea which i would like to carry out so i dont waste my time, anyway..... i have an outdoor plant about 31/2 inches tall by the time it gets its full set of fan leaves etc i would like force flower one of the bottom branches so i can sex it before i even comitte all the work...
  11. haze305

    Root Hormones + Seedlings?

    todd this is just my 2 cents but it is possible for a plant to grow & bud 12/12 from seed, the plant wont yeild has high as it can obviously but with such good seeds its not worth it
  12. haze305

    Root Hormones + Seedlings?

    Thanks david, i think im going to pick up some superthrive and seaweed extract today, it wouldnt matter if this was an outdoor plant or would it?
  13. haze305

    seed genetics?

    alright thanks anyway Ravioli
  14. haze305

    Root Hormones + Seedlings?

    oh alright i see :D well thanks anyway green
  15. haze305

    Root Hormones + Seedlings?

    Would it alright to give a seedling(31/2 in big) some root hormone to set a good root system or it is strictly for cuttings?
  16. haze305

    Outdoor grow journal - Start to Finish

    deering bay 0_o?
  17. haze305

    seed genetics?

    a friend of mine capped a half of some skunk in some nugs alot of seeds were found even though the plant was harvested some fire bud im guessing the plant was stressed and went hermie, question is if i germ them and decide to try to grow them would their genetics turn hermie also?
  18. haze305

    36 Days Flower-Want to finish strong

    cut all nutes last 2 weeks, flush,wilting and yellowing fan leaves will start going yellow etc in effort to put all energy into budding :D Buds look good, have a nice smoke
  19. haze305

    White Widow My First Grow

    mad props with the grow man, keep it real