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  1. B

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I forgot to add that coming to the end of week 9 of flowering and flushed them on week 7. This is my first grow so looking for advice at this critical moment!
  2. B

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hi Just wanted to know what you thought about these two are they ready? The taller of the two is Big Bud and the other Bubble Gum. Sorry I can't get in any closer with the camera but about 15% of the trichomes on the BubbleGum are amber in colour and about 10% on the Big Bud. Thanks
  3. B

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Are these nearly ready? 1st one is bubblegum and the 2nd is big bud,both at 6 weeks into flowering.