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  1. E

    genetic inbreeding

    hey guys, quick question... i bought some seeds from a bank and got some really nice crops off them. only problem is, after about my third or fourth crop, the leaves were curling and crispy.. similar to a heat stress issu and my clones were dying off... i didnt change my process at all, but it...
  2. E

    Bug Help

    oh, and just as a reference, the netting you see in the top left corner is the jiffy peat pellet that I originally grew the seeds in... if that gives you any indication how tiny these bastards are.
  3. E

    Bug Help

    This is the bug. He's a shifty little fucker and was on the move... hard to catch in the act, they burrow fast. They do jump if you poke at em. Sorry I couldn't get a better pic, but I will more than likely need a microscope to really get a good look at them. less than a mm long. I'm going...
  4. E

    Bug Help

    Discovered late last night that I have these little "grub" looking things running around in the soil of my plants. They're tiny, maybe a millimeter or less and look almost like a short piece of white string. They don't seem to be affecting the plants at all as they're growing like crazy and...
  5. E

    Finishing up, Thanks for the help!

    thanks for the tips, I'll run a ph test tomorrow to double check the balance. I haven't spotted any hermies yet, I have looked at hundreds of pictures regarding sexing when I first started flowering, it does seem like a bitch to catch the hermies, I have been checking closely on my girls, and...
  6. E

    Finishing up, Thanks for the help!

    ya, I know the optimum time to clone is in veg however I was using a bag seed and had no idea what gender of plants I was doing... unfortunately I didn't have enough time in the veg state to start a nursery and start a flower cycle on the cuttings to determine which was which, so I had to wait...
  7. E

    Finishing up, Thanks for the help!

    Finishing up the cycle on my first grow, want to say thanks to everyone who offered their advice to me. These are my remaining girls, I've been flowering for about 2 weeks now, I used a Co2 process I found on here and it seems to be working well. I'm also using a 15-30-15 nute solution for the...
  8. E

    Sexing help

    Hey Guys, I thought I had caught all the males, and when I checked this morning, I found these. First and last pics are of what I think is a solid female, other two did have the female traits but have started these little sprout things. Problem is, I am having problems determining if these are...
  9. E

    Sexing help

    good to know, these were the last of the batch that were showing these... guess I have all my mama's now. Thanks again.
  10. E

    Sexing help

    I haven't ever flowered a plant before, I know what to look for when sexing, but inexperience tells me I should have other eyes on them before I remove them. These 3 are 1 week into 12/12 cycle with 1 400hps and I have removed them this morning. Before I dispose of them, I just wanted...
  11. E

    Identifying strains

    This is my first grow, I managed to get a bag of seeds from a friend although I have no idea of the strains. I am getting my process down before investing in some high quality seeds, I'm just curious if anyone out there is experienced enough to identify strains from pictures. I will post some...
  12. E

    Help with new garden

    I have a fan system set up with a fresh air intake and exhaust that runs for about 15-20min a day to cycle out the air and I'm actually repotting this weekend.
  13. E

    Help with new garden

    that's a start, thanks!
  14. E

    Help with new garden

    So I've taken the jump to start my own garden. I built a spot that is 5' high, 6' wide and 6' deep. I managed to get my hands on a bunch of seeds, strains unknown. I know I'm dealing with a bunch of different strains but for now I'm just learning the process until I move to a more solid...