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  1. blamzagow

    Grow Tent Club

    Nice I'll try that. I finally found another thread that said something about a wet towel but I like the sponge idea. Cheers!
  2. blamzagow

    Grow Tent Club

    Well, the old lady wants to see if I can get anything to grow using sh!t lying around the house before she'll let me buy a tent and all the cool little goodies. It sucks being laid off, I can't really argue with her lol. So my setup is fuck!ng wacked out. I don't know if this will work or not...
  3. blamzagow

    Can someone recommend a good Small Humidifier?

    I've been trying to find something small for the closet but all the reviews I read online about pretty much every single humidifier under 50 bucks aren't good. Anyone out there that has good success with anything?
  4. blamzagow

    New Member -- Homebox Help

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I'm not very good at building things from scratch. I'll check out htgsupply. Another head told me they were worth checking out. @yonig some one told me to get a metal halide conversion bulb so I could use that first then switch to the hps. Cheers!
  5. blamzagow

    Grow Tent Club

    Nice. Thanks so much for your help today!
  6. blamzagow

    Grow Tent Club

    Gotchya. So I could pretty much just buy a 400w ballast, 2 bulbs and the cooltube if I wanted to? Cooltube just replaces the reflector that comes with the $119 hps we were talking about earlier?
  7. blamzagow

    Grow Tent Club

    That looks pretty good. I'll probably go with that, thanks! I like this site a lot better than the other one I was referencing. Worm's Way or something... I was looking at some of the pics through out the thread and a buncha people had airflow going through the light then to the exhaust. It...
  8. blamzagow

    Grow Tent Club

    Right on! What do you think of this: Looks like it has both light types.
  9. blamzagow

    Grow Tent Club

    Thanks for the reply, much appreciated. Looks like I have my work cut out for me today. She's a tough one LOL What 400w do you like the best?
  10. blamzagow

    Grow Tent Club

    Wicked thread! I'm trying to talk my wife into letting me grow. She would probably freak out if the grow box is taller than her so do you guys think the Homebox XS would be alright or is it going to be too tight? I guess the brand doesn't have to be Homebox if you guys like something else...
  11. blamzagow

    New Member -- Homebox Help

    I found this on amazon. Is this close to what I should be looking for?
  12. blamzagow

    New Member -- Homebox Help

    Hey all! I've been reading through threads all day and found a lot of useful info but of course some of it is over my head and I don't want to waste my cashola. I've tried to grow a few times in the past but hell, that was before the internet was really popular. So yeah, those experiments...