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  1. Vedder6

    1st Grow - Cali Hash Plant

    Hey man, thanks for the love! i love using CFL's! theyre cheap and they get the job done without putting a ding in my electric bill. Glad to see another Az grower about to harvest!! What plant are you about to harvest? Right now im working on stuff outdoors, i had a NL x Big Bud outdoors since...
  2. Vedder6

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    4 weeks. lookin good!
  3. Vedder6

    Do you think these are done??

    Very nice grow. Even better vinyl collection :) Looks done. good job! id give it 24 hours darkness, then trim :) and keep spinning the black circle :) [records]
  4. Vedder6

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    thats cool. im next door in the valley of the sun! probably going to be heading out that way in march for my bday (6-flags. beach. the usual. lol). we should get some coffee when im in town! gotta say the buds after 6+ months look very nice! sucks you cant smoke it but i bet you enjoy the smell...
  5. Vedder6

    Can you change the smell of the buds?

    thought orange peels keep the humidity up so the dank doesnt dry to fast? (im probably totaly wrong on that. but i dont think orange peels really work to flavor buds.... do they?)
  6. Vedder6

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    ahhh. cool, wasnt sure how all that worked. you in the west coast by chance?
  7. Vedder6

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    im confused.... you said you dont smoke (job, etc), but you know how your plant tastes and smokes, etc, etc. Do you just go by what others tell you? *shrug*
  8. Vedder6

    Seedling Burned Tips, NEED HELP ASAP PLEASE!

    heck yah! good job guys helping him out!! hope youre grow turns out well and big harvest. sending good vibes your way man!! keep it up
  9. Vedder6

    Seedling Burned Tips, NEED HELP ASAP PLEASE!

    ^^^^^^ what he said :)
  10. Vedder6

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hmm, both look like they have a little bit to go.. 4-5 weeks. both still have a lot of white pistols. good grow. looks nice and frosty!!
  11. Vedder6

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    looks close.. 2 weeks. (you took that with the lights on didnt you? :))
  12. Vedder6

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    totally!! its just the plants strange ways. trust XxlegilizeitxX if you wait a little longer and let the plant do its thing you'll be alright mate :)
  13. Vedder6

    Wtf Attitude?

    like everyone is saying, i think attitude also has great cust service. I messed up on shipping. I selected the UK shipping instead of international, and they corrected it and *didnt* charge me extra. I think that package came in 7 days. The last time i ordered some souvenirs they arrived in 6...
  14. Vedder6

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    looks good! looks like 3 to 4 more weeks. see how those couple fan leaves are yellow in the first pic? you'll wan to kill the nutes and let all those fan leaves turn color and eventually fall off. which they'll probably start falling off in about 3 weeks or so. looks good mate!
  15. Vedder6

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    yeah looks like your plant is about ready. good job man. it looks good. let us know how it smokes!
  16. Vedder6

    How much longer do you think?

    100% agree. it all depends on the type of smoke you want bro. Like bigv said, keep checking those trichs, and you'll be good to go :)
  17. Vedder6

    How much longer do you think?

    2.. maybe 3 weeks? theres still a lot of white hairs by the looks of pic #6. if you think a week, i would actually give it a few more weeks to finish off. these plants are picky :)
  18. Vedder6

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    looks just about done, jstupid. give it 24 hours darkness before u chop. nice dank man. what strain is that?
  19. Vedder6

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    looks like very soon. 1 week maybe. nice job.
  20. Vedder6

    store your seeds

    ........ so you store you cannabis seeds in "let me google that for you: cannabis seed storage"? how's that working out for you?