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  1. G

    5V pump with a 70c soil moisture sensor... Solar pots?

    I have no sense when it comes to electronics despite my father being a technician. As i understand it small solar panels need a currency regulator and a battery to be of any use. Would these solar banks outputting 5v at either 1 or 2 amps be able to periodically run a small pump to feed a...
  2. G

    Can I combine indoor /outdoor grow

    Yes. Ive seen this done very effectively under 1000w lights effectively reducing power consumption by 3/4 and producing solid nuggets.
  3. G

    Anyone ever induce flowering early in your outdoor crop?

    If I veg a plant 18/6. Turn lights of fir 36 hours and place them outside will they flower due to the sudden light reduction even though the day length is increasing outdoors?
  4. G

    Queensland first grow - how long do have I have left and is this normal? Buds growing away otherbuds

    Hey mate. Yeah I would let them run another 2 weeks. Your buds are growing normally under natural light. Thick nuggets are a result of hps lighting. Imo.
  5. G

    Can someone list some benefits of vertical growing?

    You see a lot of these guys are now tying these plants to the wall in a small spaces. Notice how much cleaner and uniform the growing space is, no string holding up big collars, each part of the plant that is exposed to the light has the same size uniform colars, and is the same distant from the...
  6. G

    whats peoples thoughts on this system thinking of giving it a try

    The way in which a mj plant grows is conical, so to me placing the pots in the corner and growing your plants into the centre of your space makes so much sense, the first 200mm of a plant stem is non producing so moving this part out to the worst lit place of the cannopy, i.e the corners is...
  7. G

    whats peoples thoughts on this system thinking of giving it a try

    Hey mate all of the above is good advice, everybodys setup is different due to individual requirements. I am toying with something similar to this but way less plant sites. Here is somehting you and others might want to consider and give me some feed back on.... If you reverse engineer the...
  8. G

    Continuos cropping vertically?

    sorry that should read four towers with 5 plant bays in each tower..... my bad.
  9. G

    Continuos cropping vertically?

    Can anybody point me to a grow that is continually cropping using autoflowering strains? My plan is to put 5 plant towers in each corner of my cabinet (4 towers in total). SOG or Lst each layer using supplementary lighting below and as they move into the final month of budding have the...