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  1. Runkill27

    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    Thats so awesome:leaf:
  2. Runkill27

    Dry Buds I have Grown

    !!!!!!!!!!! Ya looks tasty
  3. Runkill27

    Flowering: Hindu Kush

    Looks excellent!!, plants look very healthy. Ya what is your setup btw?
  4. Runkill27

    When to start giving clones nutrients?

    Yes exactly like perkins said, usually 1/4 strength, because they are so young or you can try different amounts in different plants and see for yourself which is best for you ( if you have room for some trial and error)
  5. Runkill27

    It's A Fuct World

    Ahh FUCT that was fantastic ive always wondered why people made such a big deal about using tap water, i didnt understand and would have bought some kind of filter, just because most people have them, but now i am not, thanks for saving me a couple bucks.. :)