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  1. D0SHA236

    Who has Knowledge on Molasses?

    ok I have a question...does anyone know HOW MUCH molasses should I add to my flowering plants...I've been looking around but everythin I find is for ppl grownin in dwc or other hydro systems...I'm growing outdoor in 3-5 gallon pots using coco and perlite...I feed about 3 times a day to keep...
  2. D0SHA236

    1st DWC grow ( PLS HELP!)

    n thanks for all the help ppl...I know my baby OG is gonna pull thru...she's been a fighter since day one!!!
  3. D0SHA236

    1st DWC grow ( PLS HELP!)

    yea I've been hearin tht alot hand water till the roots come out when I check the ph n everythin imma lower it down a lil...n I'm doin everythin on my iPhone n it doesn't let me upload pics...I née to upload it from a hard drive or sumthin... n yea dopey feel free to...
  4. D0SHA236

    1st DWC grow ( PLS HELP!)

    i think ur right still looks shocked a lil but it IS showing a few roots n its barley day 2...ive kept it inside in the dark for about 6 hrs n now i have it under two 150w CFL's...i kept the water level the same kuz i heard that u dont lower the water level untill u see a good root...
  5. D0SHA236

    when to start flushing?

    ^^ haha prolly makes u wish u didn't ask the question to begin wit huh? lol my blue dream in coco is day 65 outta day 65 n imma barley start to flush it n chop it in a's my 1st grow n I'm hopin my baby can make it this last week...alot of the leaves r dying so how long r u planin on...
  6. D0SHA236

    1st DWC grow ( PLS HELP!)

    this is my first DWC grow...I transplanted a clone I had in a plastic cup wit coco into my DWC system... I have a 3 1/2 gal bucket wit a net pot lid...I also have two air stones hooked up to an air pump I run 24/ water level is 1 inch "above" the bottom of the net pot...the ph was set...
  7. D0SHA236

    Flowering under 18/6?

    it's not flowering...veggin female plants will show a few little "hairs"