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  1. N

    favorite comedians

    Katt Williams, George Carlin, Bill mahr, Mitch hedburg, jeff dunham, Daniel Tosh, robin Williams Arty Lang Dennis leary is awesome, but his new special last night sucked nuts.
  2. N

    If Nobody Minds

    for the love of god, mods don't close this.
  3. N

    Read This Tonight With The Lights Out

    I know what you mean, the ending did piss me off.
  4. N

    A Problem With My Neighbor

    He wakes up at 4 am, so he probably goes to bed really really early. just go out and listen to the radio real loud in your car in front of his house for about an hour every night around 12 AM. Invite the other neighbors too.
  5. N

    Read This Tonight With The Lights Out

    it's a long read, but it's really well written. it takes a while to get interesting but once it does you're fully engrossed in it. it's about a caver finding a virgin passage.
  6. N

    This is One Stupid Game I Tell You....

    Just wait till you get to the hurdle at the 50 yard line.
  7. N

    This is One Stupid Game I Tell You....

    Qwop is fucking awesome. I saw the thread name and came in to tell you about qwop but you beat me to it. It's not really that hard. You press w&o at the same time and then q&p at the same time. I just tarted playing it again and got 18 meters first try. WOOP WOOP
  8. N

    anyone else think its disgusting that christians are accepting gays now?

    Going by the title I gues you're saying christians should keep killing gays? what a dumbass thing to say.
  9. N

    Who belives in this American Ideology

    What happen when we discover actual aliens and they don't want us in there space?