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  1. truckin

    Perlite on top soil turned yellow from light

    I don't see why light would turn perlite any color Perlite is inert, so nothing grows on it, but when you put it on soil + get it wet, this creates a good home for many microorganisms. It's probably a fungus or bacteria of some sort.. nothing to worry about either way.
  2. truckin

    Reasons for growing!!

    I'm into botany/plants in general, and was growing a number of other plants before I came across a few seeds in a bag of weed I got. Planted them, they sprouted, and I made an account here. I'm not taking them as seriously as I should. No pH meter, etc.. I'm treating them like I'd treat most...
  3. truckin

    Browning edges and slow growth (lots of pics)

    By 'too green' do you mean that bright green on top of the plants? I was thinking it might be nute burn but the thing is that I haven't fed them any nutes since transplanting, and my other plants (not pot) repotted just fine (I also didn't give them nutes) so I don't think the soil has excess...
  4. truckin

    New grower on 4 1/2 weeks check it!!

    The yellowing of bottom leaves sounds like your plants are root bound. The leaves will fall off and this would move up the plant until it's all dead. But that should stop shortly after repotting. I recently had the same problem. The yellowing stopped after I repotted but growth seems...
  5. truckin


    Platypusmann: Is your reflector insulated? It'll get pretty hot right under the bulb, but otherwise it's not much of a problem if you have a fan circulating air or blowing near the light (maybe between the light and the plants). Might only be a concern if the grow area is too small, otherwise...
  6. truckin

    Browning edges and slow growth (lots of pics)

    These have been in veg for over a month. Recently repotted from Dixie cups, growth seems to be very slow, maybe stunted and some of the edges look like they're burning. I was giving them nutes in the dixie cup and they were doing fine, but have not given them any nutes since repotting a week...
  7. truckin

    Slow growth after repotting?

    My two plants were doing good before being repotted, but they were in dixie cups and soon growth stunted. I figured this was due to being root bound and transplanted them into 2 gal pots. Growth resumed after about two days but now it's very slow (been 5 days since repotting). Some of the...
  8. truckin

    We're busted! What would you do?

    Destroy them immediately, or replace with tomatoes or something else - this is better because if the feds come knocking, they won't question why you have all the gardening equipment. I highly suggest doing it pronto. Take it as a lesson that your grow room should of been locked, or that your...
  9. truckin

    Shock after transplant?

    My plants were rootbound for about two weeks (yeah, yikes!) I transplanted it to fresh soil two days ago and watered them good. The plant is no longer wilting and the leaves aren't pointing up anymore.. but there's no new growth and some leaves are yellowing/dying at the tip. Although I think...
  10. truckin

    Soil queston, help please guys.

    Go for it. It's not soil, it's compost (edit, I thought it was Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil at first). Only prob with that is it probably has too many nutes. Compost is basically broken down horse and chicken manure (among other things) and is rich in nutrients. It's excellent stuff for...
  11. truckin

    Stunted growth and leaves curling 'up' like Mg deficiency

    OK, I'm pretty sure they were rootbound.. Absolutely no growth AT ALL for at least two weeks, lower leaves yellowing and dying off, and plant constantly looks like it needs water. I just transplanted them to 1.5 gallon pots. The roots did extend down to the end of the cups. I didn't see them...
  12. truckin

    Stunted growth and leaves curling 'up' like Mg deficiency

    So the problem is that they're root bound? They seem too small to be root bound at this point I think, but I'll do as you suggested.
  13. truckin

    Stunted growth and leaves curling 'up' like Mg deficiency

    Here are some pics. Last pic is of the leaves that fell off the bottom of the first plant. After taking the pics, I watered (a little) with some Epsom Salt.
  14. truckin

    Help! Metal Halide just stopped turning on!

    Well. You might be right. I let it cool and then plugged it back in, worked fine.. But I notice a burning smell coming from the reflector/bulb (not ballast). It smells vaguely like burning rubber. There's no smoke and nothing visibly wrong in or around the reflector or bulb. I've always had the...
  15. truckin

    Stunted growth and leaves curling 'up' like Mg deficiency

    I'll upload pics soon. They aren't flowering yet.. a few weeks in veg still.
  16. truckin

    Stunted growth and leaves curling 'up' like Mg deficiency

    Symptoms: Stunted growth - it literally just halted. It was going at a great rate last week. Lower leaves turning yellow then dying. This is moving up the plant (very) slowly. Some leaf tips are yellow, but barely. Plant isn't withering and doesn't look limp or weak SOME leaves' edges are...
  17. truckin

    Help! Metal Halide just stopped turning on!

    It's only about two months old. Has been on an 18/6 timer since I had it. This one is a 400W Growbright MH conversion bulb in a 400W HPS ballast (not digital, not switchable). It worked fine yesterday, turned off shortly before I went to sleep. I woke up at 8, it should have been on hours...
  18. truckin

    Why does bubbler water get cloudy?

    Is it a microorganism? What causes non-stagnant water to become yellowish/cloudy in a DWC bubbler?
  19. truckin

    1st soil grow, 2 wks in - slow growth/nute burn? (PICS)

    Yeah my hydro tomatoes are growing REALLY fast. Took a while for the roots to hit the water, but after that, they really took off. I'm seeing about an 1/2 - 1 inch of root growth daily. If I transfer from soil to hydro at this point (the smallest plant, see the pics), how much nutes should I...
  20. truckin

    1st soil grow, 2 wks in - slow growth/nute burn? (PICS)

    How are these looking @ 2 weeks in soil under a 600w MH? I recently transplanted them and the bigger one's leaves seem to be starting to point up and lose color? One's leaves is turning yellow from the bottom up. The small one seems to be doing OK, but this is two weeks in! The leaves were...