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  1. BigBudBolger

    Slow growth

    im growing feminised big bud.vegged for 2 soil.using a 400 watt hps.
  2. BigBudBolger

    Slow growth

    im 2 weeks into flower now and no hairs yet.when should i start seeing the buds?or hairs?
  3. BigBudBolger

    Slow growth

    does lower temperatures slow the rate of the growth of plants or is it higher temperatures.
  4. BigBudBolger

    smell during veg?

    depends on what strain you are using.more than likely it wouldnt smell that bad unless using white widow or ak47(stinky stuff)
  5. BigBudBolger

    whats causing these "claws"

    flush them for a few days see what happens.about 5 days.
  6. BigBudBolger

    Yellowing leaves and brown spot.

    id say flush them babys for a few days see what happens
  7. BigBudBolger

    Is she finished?

    definetly not burn from the light my friend.youll never burn plants with cfl' reckon its the ph of my previous seedlings had the same problem
  8. BigBudBolger

    need a bitta help with my babys!!!!

    need suggestions
  9. BigBudBolger

    need a bitta help with my babys!!!!

    recent pictures.still open to suggestions tryed flushing for a bit still awaiting results on that.checked ph and its 6.7
  10. BigBudBolger

    I have a 6 week old kush plant just found out the sex, a freaking male,

    if ur using ur tent inside ur house then yes.but start small do 5 as uve a better chance of getting females(or skip all that shit and buy FEMINISED).make sure u get some good lighting with ur tent. and happy growing
  11. BigBudBolger

    need a bitta help with my babys!!!!

    :dunce: yo thanks alot man really!.hopefully theyl get back to good health
  12. BigBudBolger

    Think my plants are dying?!?!

    this looks awfully familiar as i am also growing big bud.hmmmm maybe its a cockinurass-deficiency.yo stay toking nigga
  13. BigBudBolger

    need a bitta help with my babys!!!!

    ye ill try that out next watering man.thanks!ill keep pics updated also
  14. BigBudBolger

    need a bitta help with my babys!!!!

    what up? im first time grower. was vegged for 2 months on slow release fertilising soil. strain=feminised big bud lighting=400w HPS have four plants at the moment Medium=soil nutes=bio grow(vegging)8-2-6,bio bloom(flowering)2-6-3.5 been growin in an attic. light is about 15 inches away from...