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  1. S

    How safe is this site to post pictures of grows?

    lmao someone sent me a pm, thanks for the pic. Yes I realize this thread is retarded. My roommate and I smoke a lot of weed and he is sketched out about posting on this site. I mainly made this thread so he would not worry.
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    How safe is this site to post pictures of grows?

    Me and my roommate have a small grow going, 6 plants. I'm wondering how safe it is to post on here. I have 6 plants I need some help with and just curious on people thoughts on this. Also how do you get into the elite forum?
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    my banana experiment

    just from reading the first post about saying if you get 5 females bc of the banana does not mean that the banana is the culprit, too small of a sample size. 5 plants growing is not enough of an experiment to assume that's why they are females.
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    How to grow plants 350 times FASTER! and more yields

    you could care less? so you're caring a little, I see...
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    Super Cropping?????

    just you some string and some small metal spikes to put into the ground to anchor the string off of.
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    Arkansas : 5,000 birds & 100,000 Fish Dead.

    look this subject up on
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    Anyone else have problems with Nirvana Seeds?

    seriously? i just ordered hasn't been a month, it's been 3 days. all the reviews ive read are great, hopefully this is an abnormal occurrence. I did credit card though
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    is a homemade CO2 thingy safe to be around

    hypothetically speaking you can easily get a co2 tank from behind a bar/restaurant just don't get a yellow or orange one bc those are coka cola and easily identifiable. a hydro shop will refill them for cheap and you can get the timer and valve for cheap too. hypothetically of course.
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    is a homemade CO2 thingy safe to be around

    well im assuming if you have it in the room that your plants are in, without the fan on it will turn into oxygen. The home made ones don't put out too much co2 anyways, I'm pretty sure it's safe, but someone more credible will prob post after me.
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    1st GROW - 36TH DAY12/12 FLOWERING - WW - PHOTOS - Opinions????

    looks good man, what kind CFL's are you using? brand?
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    Lighting Question for perpetual garden

    thanks LRgenius, I was looking for a cheap alternative, those look good. I wasn't sure if they would do that job but after looking it up and looking at everyones suggestions I don't see anything wrong with fluorescent.
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    Lighting Question for perpetual garden

    I wouldn't think 2 40 watts are enough, that is only what, 3200 lumens. Don't I want atleast 30k lumens... for a small closet area, I want my veg plants to be awesome. And chaz, everything you are telling me to get is really expensive, those electrodeless bulbs are expensive. Also in my...
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    Lighting Question for perpetual garden

    those are expensive...I don't want to spend $400 on a fluorescent light, I could just buy another ballast and MH set up. I'm wanting to know if I can use those fluorescent bulbs that I linked in my first post.
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    Lighting Question for perpetual garden

    My main grow room is a 600w HPS full spectrum cool tube, with a 200 cfl carbon filter and a 500 cfl fan, 3x3 grow tent. My question is, can I use fluorescent bulbs for the vegetation area, I guess I'm just gonna turn my closet into one. Anyways I'm wondering if you have enough wattage and the...
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    AK-48 & master kush 400w HPS Grow

    Wow great thread man, I looked up Master Kush to see some grows because I'm growing Master Kush and AK 48 and what do you know, so are you. This is going to be my first grow and I knew I picked some good strains but after seeing this thread, god damn they look so good. thanks for the thread and...
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    Full Spectrum HPS Question

    I went to my local store and bought all my equipment, growtent, cool tube, ballast, ducts, fans and the guy at the store talked me into a full spectrum 600w HPS. I was going to do MH and HPS. So is this ok to use for the entirety of the grow? Instead of swtiching from MH during vegging to HPS...