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  1. G

    It's A Fuct World

    Many thanks. I actually read the original and followed on OG prior to becoming legal in MI. We MIGHT have saved the entire thing if it is of any value to you. I have to pull an old lappy out of the basment. 50% H2O2 is difficult to find online in the US. 35% true food graded is not. Thanks...
  2. G

    It's A Fuct World

    Can H2O2 really sit around that long? I thought the shelf life of even sealed bottles was < 6 months... Maybe some of the issues people report to have here with H2)2 "not working" is becuase they are not storing it properly or it is old or they don't measure well.. "While it can vary...
  3. G

    It's A Fuct World

    Hi. This is my first post after a lot of work. I do have some questions I can't find the answers to in several hundred pages so if someone has seen them please let me know: Al's Cloner looks to be 24"... I think I see 3 24" floros in there... is that correct? What type of thermostatic...