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  1. C

    2X400w VS. 1000W in a 5X5X7 Grow Tent 12 Plants

    Which would be better to run in a 5x5x7 foot grow tent. 2 400w or a single 1000w. I know that light dissipates as you pull farther from the source and all that.. Im just wondering which would be better and cover more and get the same intensity needed to flower 12 plants. Any Ideas guys?
  2. C

    Upper fan leave canoeing upward. Moisture, heat, both?. Please help.

    No other real problems than the cupping. I am planning on running a watering with Cal/Mag today. I did notice that a few of the new growth leaves on one plant are twisting a little which I have read is a sign of calcium deficiency if I am not mistaken. But yeah other than that no real...
  3. C

    Upper fan leave canoeing upward. Moisture, heat, both?. Please help.

    Anyone Have any suggestions at all? I know the MH light makes the pics a little hard to see but its the best I can do. PLease let me know what you think.. Even if nothing is wrong it would be nice to know so I can puts my anxious mind to ease before I go to flower in 2 days..
  4. C

    Upper fan leave canoeing upward. Moisture, heat, both?. Please help.

    The upper fan leaves of my Grand Daddy Purp/Train Wreck are starting to fold or canoe upward. I am not sure why. I know this is usually due to either heat stress, lack of water, or lack of humidity. Im not sure it is any of those to be honest. Any other Ideas of what it could be? Or is it surely...