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  1. K

    My First Grow - CFL 3 days from flower

    Damn freebird sorry for the really sucks since I was kind of tracking my progress against yours since your like a week or two ahead of me...that sucks least now you have the extra experience lessons well learned
  2. K

    My First Grow - CFL 3 days from flower

    Hey freebird your plant is lookin great...I have read somewhere before that during flower some older leaves may yellow and die to help make room and give more space for budsites to receive more light and growin room(just something I read)...but I to am in flowering and have a few dying myself...
  3. K

    My First Grow - CFL 3 days from flower

    I would think that if it was all ready mature enough then yes u might be able to see them that fast. I would just keep checking not only for the white hairs but for some balls on them also (hermie). But as of now u sound golden good luck and great grow.
  4. K

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    Mg is definetly hot but well into my second grow I have had only one problem with it and that was nute burn. On my first grow I had no problems (no transplant, final pot from seedling). This time I got nute burn but only after transplanting. I'm only growing two plants currently but the one with...