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  1. J

    Sexing...Preflower...Boy or Girl?...What you think?...Pictures

    The one on the left is a mail and the one on the right is a female please note the tiny hairs on the female
  2. J

    White Widow issues

    My issue is heat and since ww is a hybrid I am not sure about 81-84 degrees I have 6 plants under each light in addition to about 6 florescent lights on the walls to get the color spectrum. I am no genius and would welcome any input
  3. J

    White Widow issues

    Is there someone out there that has a formula for feeding white widow I am used to Canna products but I lost my recepe Help pss. we are talking indoor
  4. J

    White Widow with no smell? and White Widow 5 weeks into 12/12 but no flowers??

    I am presently Growing w/w and they started to flower within 8 to 10 days after veging for 60 days and yes wtf they keep growing tall because I didn't top them
  5. J

    White Widow issues

    I presently have 40 plants of White Widow (derived from seeds) they are under 6x1000 lights. I toped a few but the ones not topped are growing into the lights. My concern is the temp. 81-84 lights on w co2 they were veged for 60 days and have been on 12x12 for almost a month. I keep ppm @1000=...
  6. J

    From Seeds

    I am not sure about the age interesting.... how long before they are worthless? Yes I kept the rockwool moist
  7. J

    From Seeds

    I just recently planted 75 seeds(white widow) in rock wool and had 72/75 success however I then planted 120 from other strains and the results were not good 40/120 in a week I transplanted to soil did I not wait long enough. or what happened $$$
  8. J

    Co2 issues

    I presently have a gr that is appx 200 sq ft I have a Co2 burner(propane) and it seems that I am replacing the cannister every three days. Can this be right? ps seald but not squeeky tight. I welcome all suggestions on Co2
  9. J


    I presently have 40 plants of White Widow (derived from seeds) they are under 6x1000 lights. I toped a few but the ones not topped are growing into the lights. My concern is the temp. 81-84 lights on w co2 they were veged for 60 days and have been on 12x12 for almost a month. I keep ppm @1000=...