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  1. C

    First Grow (Opinions Needed)

    This is my first grow and was wondering what i could yield from these WW. I am growing under a 250wt HPS and 125 CFL. They are 7 weeks old, 5 weeks veg/ 2 weeks flower. Also wondering when i will see signs of real bud. Experienced growers opinions needed.
  2. C

    Urgent help needed (White widow)

    Alright Gonna Do That Now, Have Never Flushed Before So How Do I??
  3. C

    Urgent help needed (White widow)

    Right Thanks For The Info....One Last Question Should I Add Ph Solution To The Water Before Flushing??
  4. C

    Urgent help needed (White widow)

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh Nooooooooooo!!!!!! Okay Will I Be Able To Flush Without Epsom Salt??
  5. C

    Urgent help needed (White widow)

    Okay Will Do, However If I Decide To Leave It, Will It Get Worse Or Prevent My Babies From Producing Good Bud (Or Any Bud For That Matter) ???
  6. C

    Urgent help needed (White widow)

    Yea 45 days 9 days into flowering. Epsom salt? Also wondering when i will start to see Buds?
  7. C

    Urgent help needed (White widow)

    It's my first grow, I have 4 feminised white widow plants under a 250 hps and a 125 eco light as support. I'm at day 45 (day 9 flowering). However I have noticed that during the vegetative growth the leaves started to show yellow spots and lower leaves have started to die. I accidentally...