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  1. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    They're HERE!!!

    ahaha i agree wit stoner!
  2. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    They're HERE!!!

    pounds. Actually they were all hunting rifles, although the cops dont see it that way. It was 5 12 guage shotguns, a 20 guage, a .22, and a semi auto .306. Two guns we bought out of the newspaper were stolen:?. Hes a convicted felon so he wasnt allowed to own fire arms. The house was a mile in...
  3. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    My planties

    Every year i take my nicest ladies from outside and chop everything but a few buds. I put them back in the grow room along with my winter crop. Once they go back into veg. they start to grow shoots out where the hairs once were. Now i have plenty of clones for next year. i grow in swamps on my...
  4. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    They're HERE!!!

    My dads in prision right now on charges for 40 Bs of kind, 2 Bs of mushys and a shitload of weapons charges, not to mention the cash they grabbed. I dont think anything about thats funny.
  5. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    Choppers in the day-time. plz help.

    in san diego, theres a cop who claims to see diff types of greens and spots hidden gardens outta nowhere. Yea i saw that show on tv. The only way they can spot them out is if there to many of them too close together. Where i live people get busted all the time for having hundreds of plants...
  6. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    Peoples weelky consumption of ganja

    Even during harvest I smoke less than an 1/8 a week. You guys smoking a zip er 2 a week must be puffing some reel schwagy shit, I can only smoke 2 or 3 bowls of my nugs a day and Im set:blsmoke:. I like to test my nugs with my sidecar glass bubbler or my collection of greatfull dead bowls. I got...
  7. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    Guess how much you think this will yeild?

    Im not saying that at all. I said simply by the looks of it, it would not be worth the transplant. Root growth does not stop but it slows dramatically once bud developement starts. If you trim any lower branches like "copssnatchedmycrops" suggested you will be set back a couple of weeks...
  8. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    What is the most potent strain of marijuana right now?

    Here ya go Erowid Datura Vaults : Jimson Weed Poisoning Ive never heard of that plant before, interesting. But I may have missed it, but did they talk about any long term effects, besides death? because this is the point i was tryin to explain in the first place. WOW this thread is full...
  9. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    What is the most potent strain of marijuana right now?

    I did mention that i only puff on the weekends, and i usually only smoke once or twice a day, usually not on Sunday or the day before i have to get up early and go to school. And i am always hitting my "full potential", catching mostly Bs and As.
  10. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    Guess how much you think this will yeild?

    i wuld be surprised if he gets more than a z per plant, maybe between 14 and 20g, all dependson the strain and how well it fills out. Theres not much sense in putting them in biger pots since ther not goin to grow much more while budding. IT deffinatly needs more light and I would pull some of...
  11. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    What is the most potent strain of marijuana right now?

    I've always had a problem with the point that "it's natural, it comes from the Earth, so it can't be bad for me!!" You just used it, and a ton of other people do too. That point doesn't make any sense. There are tons of plants that can kill you or make you sick. I mean, yea, it's natural, that...
  12. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    What is the most potent strain of marijuana right now?

    Oh come on buddy. I hear what you are saying and am all for being responsible and all. The other day I read an indepth article on young people's brains and how they aren't developed yet so should not smoke weed but come on, seriously; If someone told me when I was 16,17 or 18 that smoking weed...
  13. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    What is the most potent strain of marijuana right now?

    The juicy friut was super dank outdoor, indside it didnt do shit. The strain i had is adapted to growin up north wer i live(high altitudes, hot days, cold nights) i got the seeds from an old grower my dad knows. The plants grow very tall without gettin busshy, so they turnout kind off scraggaly...
  14. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    What is the most potent strain of marijuana right now?

    Well i always put skewl first, i gott mostly Bs with an A or 2 in ther, and i only puff on the weekends any ways. Im not the type of person ta think im hard or any of that bullsit. ive grown up listening to the dead, goin to shows and festivals, and hangin out with good people that go way back...
  15. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    What is the most potent strain of marijuana right now?

    (Im not trying to steel this guys thread but i thot id just share a few pics from this fall)me and my brother got 1lb 3zs off of this godzilla plant. I never thot that would be possible outside! it was about 8ft tall, split twice.
  16. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    What is the most potent strain of marijuana right now?

    a family that grows together stays together.. i have been growing with my son and we are on our 4th and best harvest yet.. each time we get better and the smoke is..... dashit... ya man.. every yeer me and my dad get better and better, and as we get better, our weed gets nicer and nicer. But...
  17. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    What is the most potent strain of marijuana right now?

    i never said they dont, well its just my dad. We go to every festival in new york, most moe shows, and phill tour, plus the trip south ta bonaroo.
  18. CopsSnatchedMyCrops

    What is the most potent strain of marijuana right now?

    there is no "most potent" strain. Any strain has the potential, you jst need to know how to grow it well. Sure, some strains will noticabley flurish more than others due to good genetics, but if grown to full potential any strain can be da fukin bomb:joint:. For instance, if u start with some...