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  1. M

    Unbelievably Excited. Finally starting my dream! Help Def Appreciated/Wanted!

    Also how do i mix the sulfur in with the prexisting soil?
  2. M

    Unbelievably Excited. Finally starting my dream! Help Def Appreciated/Wanted!

    The room is upstairs where no one resides or even goes. So im not too worried about the smell. and im sorry but im very ignorant when it comes to lighting. what type of lights are the ones are you referring about? are they cfls, hps, or what? Thanks again!
  3. M

    Unbelievably Excited. Finally starting my dream! Help Def Appreciated/Wanted!

    Very quick and useful insight thank you! What kind of lights do you think i can add in there to make things a little brighter? also how do i lower the ph? thanks again
  4. M

    The Art of The Auto

    If anyone can please check out my topic in the Newbie section where im just starting to grow autos. I have many questions and insight would be much appreciated!
  5. M

    Unbelievably Excited. Finally starting my dream! Help Def Appreciated/Wanted!

    One last thing. Is it possible for my seeds to die from the nutes that are already in the soil?
  6. M

    anyone help with a soil issue?

    I know you can add limestone to the mix to increase PH. as far as lowering it im not sure. Odds are you can prob flush the soil a few times to lower it but i dont know if thats good for the mix or not.
  7. M

    Unbelievably Excited. Finally starting my dream! Help Def Appreciated/Wanted!

    Guys I am suppper stoked to finally get the chance to grow! I have this chick friend whos letting me use a closet in her house and I must say it is a decent size. So I decided to try and design a set up that housed 8-10 plants. I ordered my seeds from attitude seedbank (5 auto SnowRyders and...