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  1. M

    help.. first time growing

    thx for reply.. am going for the one i seen as two of us are payin the leccy.. and just checked on the filter and it is a carbon filter so all good there.... where the best place to get seeds from ?? and whitch ones would be the best for me to start with.. and as for growin them what should i...
  2. M

    help.. first time growing

    just need little help on tent..lights and any thing else i need just looked on ebay and saw this tent kit.. and just wondering if its any good...
  3. M

    guess this is male

    new to this but had 4 plants growing 2 were growing taller than than the rest .. now i think they are males because of the little sacks on the stems.. am i right in saying this ??
  4. M

    help plz

    thanks everyone for quick replys will give some of them ago.. and get me a ph tester.. also how do i sort out my nitrogen problem if that could be it
  5. M

    help plz

    these plants were started from seed.. compost was just a bag i got for seedling.. if it is to much nitrogen how do i fix this.. thought this was going to be like growin house plants but these thing are fussy little gits lol
  6. M

    help plz

    already had post going but can't find it now so try again.. got some seeds of friend so thought i'd give them a try.. got some compost for seedling.. plants about 4 to 5 weeks old and leaves turning yellow/brown in colour the other day.. pics taken about 3 or 4 days ago .. now things have gone worse
  7. M

    hey need little help plz

    no nutes just plain tap water.. sorry ph water ??.. these plant are about 4 to 5weeks old
  8. M

    hey need little help plz

    ok never done any growing before.. had few seeds that smoeone gave me don't know what they are so thought i'd give it a go an try my own to see how they went started ok but now few of the leaves have gone yellow/brown.. gowing them in compost for seedling.. on 24 hour light.. just wonderin if...