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    hey all long time no questions. lol. Wondered if you might help me out? Week eight first leeching with Clearex. Soil less soil 7 gal pots. What percentage of runoff should i be achieving... Should i flush each plant with 7 gal of water and expect 90% runoff? Also after watering with 200ppm water...
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    Milky or Amber ?

    then try turning a pound into "phenoix tears" there are quite a FEW studies out there right now... curing cancer..
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    Milky or Amber ?

    Gravity is the only one i have sent to lab but my Viper seems to be a little stronger
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    Less humidity???

    Noooooo... They are very lush ... they love the humidity... i have lots of fans so no mold and no bud rot and i ran 60% entire time... but i was just wondering about density over last 2 weeks.. thanks
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    Less humidity???

    I am starting week 7 on friday of flower.... i have heard that you should reduce the humidity to around 30% last 2 weeks to make the buds more dense and to retain the resins... I have been running a constant 60% humidity for the first 6 weeks... Any thruth to this???
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    New To This. Indoor Plant Help!

    dont see the balls on the male can you point yhem out like u did on female. And i thought you couldnt tell till they went under 12/12
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    Folier Feeding???

    feed...... already done the bug thing
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    Folier Feeding???

    I have an atomizer and not sure how safe it is to folier feed. I have folier neem oiled and sm90ed but i think i am ready to learn about feeding folier style.... SO i hear this is for pros only what do you think. And when do i stop folier feeding after transition? Thanks for the feedback...
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    Milky or Amber ?

    So let me ask you this. I have a strain that is testing 23%THC and 2.8 CBD's ..... isnt that great for indoors.. and the reason i ask is cuz i am going 50% amber.... so if i go 10% amber will my CBD's be higher????? and THC????
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    sour d green thumbs

    My sour is 34 days in and beautiful..... I have found that they dont like heavy nutes though.. i give nutes every other watering