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  1. HannahTokes

    Best Metal Band Of All Time?

    Shit man you just reminded me to download some job for a cowboy!
  2. HannahTokes

    Best Metal Band Of All Time?

    Black sabath are outstanding! really good to get high too :) But if we were heading in that kind of style i would pick Black label society over Black Sabath i think.
  3. HannahTokes

    Best Metal Band Of All Time?

    Serious?? what was your bro's old band called?
  4. HannahTokes

    Best Metal Band Of All Time?

    True that! dont forget a good ol' bitta Whitechapel :)
  5. HannahTokes

    Best Metal Band Of All Time?

    I reckon Pantera are prob the best metal band of all time but suggestions please :)
  6. HannahTokes

    Stoner Tricks to entertain your guest

    its no trick or anything but its is pretty dam impressive a bong guitar! jamming at the same time as hitting a chong, what a legend!
  7. HannahTokes

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bongsmilieBump bump bump, just smoked a few bongs and now im high as a kite :)
  8. HannahTokes

    Stoner Tricks to entertain your guest

    Lol aww thats a pretty sweet trick! The old dude is pretty cool! impressive smokings tricks are always fun, learnt how to blow smoke rings out my nose :) The things that will amaze you when your high :)