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  1. K

    cola leaves dried up and dying

    plants just hit week 8 yesterday. on the first grow, about half of the plants were exhibiting these dried up, brittle cola fan leaves at wk 8, whereas this time around only one plant is doing it.
  2. K

    cola leaves dried up and dying

    i posted this picture in the 'when to harvest' section, but thought i could give it a run here... strain is master kush. this is the second grow with these genetics (phasing them out after this grow). same thing happened with the first harvest, but on a greater scale. it seemed like the...
  3. K

    Possible Curing Issues

    sounds like they dried too quickly in the 48 hrs. how were you initially drying them? what was the r/h and temp? what kind of airflow was the drying area receiving? you won't see the moisture in the jar, but you will be able to feel the moisture in the buds. i would recommend you continue on...
  4. K

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    first picture with the orange hue is master kush, i'm thinking a week, if not more? second picture is master kush as well, in the same tent as the first, but what concerns me are the dried/dead leaves within the cola. is that normal or is it an indication of something more severe? thanks