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  1. StewartWarner

    400wHPS/MH Ventilation questions need advice please! try going here
  2. StewartWarner

    Underground building oopp

    Have you been watching "Moonshiners", i think its on the Discovery channel and they have a pretty cool underground op for their still
  3. StewartWarner

    326W CFL Closet Stealth Grow 2012((!!PICS INCLUDED!!))

    Hey guys thanks for staying tuned in, this is the new room with everything in it, The ladys are 21 days into flowering (since 12/12 switch, 17 days since they showed sex) Group shot of door open (tips of new growth got alittle burnt cause i wasnt paying attention when i put her in)...
  4. StewartWarner

    I think my plant looks good for not having any special setup.......first timer....

    hey man im going cheap with CFL too, ;) it looks vary healthy. how long you ben flowering?
  5. StewartWarner

    Deadhead OG under 2 600W HPS. Looks like a keeper!!!

    hey man its looking good! was it vert or a horazontal grow?
  6. StewartWarner

    getting fat, 7 weeks into flower

    fanstatic plants man, is it all cfl? if so tell me about your set-up
  7. StewartWarner

    86w additional cfl lighting

    no not two 42 cfl you need like 4 around each plant if you want, maybe not that much but it would be a waste of money and create excess heat. just go get a t5 and put that in there.
  8. StewartWarner

    CFL Stealth/Micro Grow Idea. want opinions.

    how long are you wanting to veg for? casuse in my exp with cfl shorter veg has been better for small spaces.
  9. StewartWarner

    CFL Stealth/Micro Grow Idea. want opinions.

    3-4 would fit in each side (veg/flower) My pots are too bulky for the space as they were from the old room where they fit fine.
  10. StewartWarner

    CFL Stealth/Micro Grow Idea. want opinions.

    Im posting pics of this exact set-up (few variations) later tonight if you want an idea of how it will turn out. Your gonna want another extraction fan or bigger intake or some kind of heat shield (clear plastic) to regulate temps better. my own set-up runs alittle hot and i need to adjust...
  11. StewartWarner

    starting early

    start indoor get a head start then put em out = np ben there done that :)
  12. StewartWarner

    326W CFL Closet Stealth Grow 2012((!!PICS INCLUDED!!))

    Just completly rebuilt the room ;) pics tonight!!
  13. StewartWarner

    whats wrong with my babies?

    need pics man or find pics that look AS CLOSE AS POSSIABLE to your plants situation :) GL man ill be waiting for thoes pics
  14. StewartWarner

    General Hydroponics

    if you want to be more scientific about it get two plants and (if you still have the old nutes) feed one w/ the GH and the other w/ your old stuff, and feed them the same ammounts. as far a Q2 i would use a home mix, or just the lucas formula. ( i understand that you want to use all three) Hope...
  15. StewartWarner

    My 600 Watt Vert Thoughts

    Glad everyone is pitching in :) So i got another question for you guys 36 plants may be too much for the one 600, but my thoughts were its verticle so i should have 100% coverage with plants, im wanting to start these plants after 2 weeks in the clone box also. So should i take out the top...
  16. StewartWarner

    Mg deficiency and heat stress/burn?

    ^do not listen to people like this^!!!!!!! I grow with cfl and keep them 3inches away and they do fine ( mind you i have good circulation also) the plants look like its a mix of heat stress and maybe a bit of nute burn, just back the lights off and dont watter or feed them for 3days to see if...
  17. StewartWarner

    Need an indica strain check the boxes that you want, this is how i find strains to do more research from
  18. StewartWarner

    My 600 Watt Vert Thoughts

    on the back of each shelf ill have a little trough built on the layer above the level i want to water, coming out of the trough will be three hoses each leading to a seperate plant ;) thats the idea anyway, as far a what type of water im not too sure yet
  19. StewartWarner

    Accidentally grew too much

    could spread the pots out a little and rig up some kind of DIY light mover with an occulating fan and a stick ;) ive seen it done but cant remember where the link is. Good luck man
  20. StewartWarner

    Miracle-Gro Perlite

    thats what my grow is right now if you want to check it out, (no recent pics but i have 4 strong females in just perlite using MG nutes