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  1. DC904

    the chitown sourkush thread

    Gotta love SourKush!!!
  2. DC904

    very late sativa Harvest mexican weed pics!

    Looks good. Cant believe thats 5 zips tho!
  3. DC904

    Am I FUCKED or WHAT?!?!?

    Well thanks for all the help guys! I guess Ill have to keep a better eye on the clones! The bud its deff dank and I hope everything still goes well. As in having enough actual bud to smoke rather than all the seeds! The heady buds look good still... Not any or very few seed pods. They seem to be...
  4. DC904

    Am I FUCKED or WHAT?!?!?

    I do actually recall seeing a yellwo type dusting on the leafs a few weeks ago.. Wish i would have known then. It even looks like one plant is a lot further along. Actual seeds can pop out. Should i pluck as many as I can? Or just got a head and get some bubble bags? And thank the good hemp lord...
  5. DC904

    Am I FUCKED or WHAT?!?!?

    Theyve been fine. No heat or light. I just dont understand about the hairs that are coming out of the ends? How the fuck can a "hermie" look so damn beautiful and smell so dank.. It was SD and CC.
  6. DC904

    Am I FUCKED or WHAT?!?!?

    Thats what i cut open and it was deff a seed. :(
  7. DC904

    Am I FUCKED or WHAT?!?!?

    I actually just did that, and its a seed forsure.. I just dont know what could have happen tho? All the plants showed white hairs within the first two weeks of 12/12? Im just still in shock.. Need to smoke more...
  8. DC904

    Am I FUCKED or WHAT?!?!?

    Anyone?? Please???
  9. DC904

    Am I FUCKED or WHAT?!?!?

    Ive had these girls (or what I thought were girls) in budding for almost 8 weeks now. Yet sadly Ive started to notice some balls. When I first seen them about a week ago, I was kinda worried. Until I seen that there were hairs comming out of them so I thought i was safe. But now these balls are...
  10. DC904

    How many of us race MX?

    Thats all that matters! Sucks you had to give her up. Atleast you still have the goldwing... And some smoke!
  11. DC904

    How many of us race MX?

    Ive been racing for over 10 years now, and I wanna see how many other fellow stoners rideee!!!
  12. DC904

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Snow Crash you are the man! I wish i had to standing next to my closet at all times!!! lol your very helpful :)
  13. DC904

    No sex in flowering?

    Hell yeah man! Another female for the world!
  14. DC904

    What If You Could Have An Invisible Car?

    Yeah thats the first thing i thought of after a few mins. You would have to drive very defensively and stay on your toes. The best times to drive would be at night i guess?
  15. DC904

    Welcome New Members!

    that sounds like my first grow. just some old seeds i had found.. stuff wasnt too bad either!:-D
  16. DC904

    Welcome New Members!

    Youll need to find the correct topic and then click start new thread! then post away! Hoped this helped.
  17. DC904

    What If You Could Have An Invisible Car?

    I would drive mine at 120mph all dayyy! What would you guys do?(of course wile being stoned!)
  18. DC904

    I Never Get Much From Edibles

    I love eating with thc in it!!!
  19. DC904


    Indica is bomb!!!!
  20. DC904

    so when to flip it to 12/12 and is it female?

    This can prob help you out a little bit!:leaf: