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  1. gweedo39252

    at a loss

    Cool I'm gonna start fattening em up, I got a AK48,short rider,northern lights and a good bag seed I found that are a month behind the bubs, might start feeding them some montys
  2. gweedo39252

    at a loss

    Haha I just realized if you can't see its overfeeding then there wouldn't be sale build up. Gotcha
  3. gweedo39252

    at a loss

    Okay cool. It's only been on like 5 or 6 leaves. So hopefully it just needs a kick. Should I flush? My drainage is pretty good. I don't see any visible salt build up near or inside the hole
  4. gweedo39252

    at a loss

    Yeah lower and middle.
  5. gweedo39252

    at a loss

    Five gallon pots of ff usually only last me like a month. She vegged outside for like two months that's why I can to bend her over. I was waiting on my light to be returned so I started outdoors
  6. gweedo39252

    at a loss

    I've only fed her Nutes twice(at 1/2 recommended) and that was her last two feedings because I figure since she was showing def. Because she's gotten big and ff doesn't really come equipped for flowering. Other than that just distilled water phd to 6-6.5. This is gonna be their last week...
  7. gweedo39252

    at a loss

    Nirvana bubs, about three weeks in flower. 400 watt hps, plus a few hours of daylight I give em on the roof. Nutes are jacks classic bloom booster 10-30-20, montys joy juice 8-16-8, a drop of superthrive here and there and I apply a small layer of earthworm castings to my soil when I water which...
  8. gweedo39252

    Welcome New Members!

    what conditions are they in? space, soil, light and what not
  9. gweedo39252

    Welcome New Members!

    Im new to posting but ive learned so much just getting lost for hours in these forums so im just stoppin by to say hi and put up a couple pics. strain is northern lights,feminized from nirvana(awesome place) Their almost close to a month now. they got bit up a bit but i think i took care of...
  10. gweedo39252

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Im not sure where I should be posting this but I have a nute problem. 2 months. happy frog. ffgb light feeding every other day. distilled ph'd water the others. new growth is bright yellow.