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  1. G

    yea man no problem im workin on it now acctually

    yea man no problem im workin on it now acctually
  2. G

    The TGA Growers Club

    couldnt resist i love showin off the girls here is vortex cheese q and space jill in order
  3. G

    The TGA Growers Club

    yea i just picked hopefully the last male cheese q that makes six. o well ive got a couple really dark green leaves and the others look completly differ light yellow huge sativa like leaves. maybe i got best of both the kevorkian quote. live my life by it
  4. G

    The TGA Growers Club

    thanks for all the warm welcomes. yes the spacejill could be a new favorite well see. got some reall young girls ill show off tom. now is time for bed, been mixing 12 cu ft of super soil the ole back is bout t give out. oh by the way all my plants are in super soil. if you ppl are not using it...
  5. G

    The TGA Growers Club

    sorry bout the lines ill take some good lights off shots tom
  6. G

    The TGA Growers Club

    this chernobyl is at almost four weeks!! ive never seen growth this quick.this is my first tga grow so ive seen alot of firsts!! there are a couple smaller chernobyls in there from earlirer discussion . ill figure out how to better label these tom.gonna start a cheese quacke space jill and...
  7. G

    The TGA Growers Club

    thanks that means alot dont get many admirers acctually dont get ne one up in here
  8. G

    The TGA Growers Club

    sorry the one with the hand in it is agent orange. the one that smells just like a orange peel. you cant believe it till u smell it.
  9. G

    The TGA Growers Club

    here you go bro these are almost week three. my best pheno is on a sd card im trying to find my contraption to get it in my computer .anyway the small one was flowered early that plant had three inch wide buds dried. sic. im goin to wal mart right now to get this portal for my sd card cuz if u...
  10. G

    The TGA Growers Club

    here are a few of those lil tga plants. im tryin to find the rest. since i got tga gearand started following sub ive gone camera crazy. i ve got way to many...
  11. G

    The TGA Growers Club

    acctually i just flowered some tga's at twleve in so i could get some smoke while my clones grew. worked out awesome u'd never believe a plant so small could have such big buds.ill upload some pics of those tom for some reason its takeing forever to upload. neways here are jack the ripper deep...
  12. G

    The TGA Growers Club

    first post here ppl. i just found this site and tga forum i have to say i feel at home. got almost every tga in various states flower, veg, in the mail!! anyway i got tons of great pics i was wondering if this is the place to do a grow journal as i have cheese quake spacejill an vortex just...