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  1. C

    does the amount of veg time affect the potency had it under 24 hour light the whole time, and topping it back like an axe murderer lmao leaving only like 1 or 2 extra leaf sets between the branchings , keeping it slow and small (small space ) i was a little stoned when i wrote that lmao, it's more like a foot tall but...
  2. C

    does the amount of veg time affect the potency

    hard to say but it seems to me that mine (6-7 months old/14 inches tall.... "bonzai bud" lmao,.... seems to be pretty darn potent , a bowl of leaves and tops will make it hard for me to type right lol) i have kept it topped the crap out of to keep it small but still let it age. still dunno m or...