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  1. baconpopcorn

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    I'm getting real close to harvest ;)
  2. baconpopcorn

    Healthy White Rhino plants leaves curling up around the edges

    Whats your humidity and ambient temps?
  3. baconpopcorn

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    Did a water change last night and stopped adding Canna PK 13/14. Instructions say only use for 1 week, which I did for week 6. Things are looking really nice now and the smells are starting to take over.. good thing for the carbon filter or all my clothes would stink! I predict about 2 to 2.5...
  4. baconpopcorn

    PPM, how low can you go?

    No worries, my plant right now won't go past 600ppm. I've run into plants before that can't take allot during flower. It's just in the genetics..
  5. baconpopcorn

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    sorry, I'm not familiar with any of those strains =/ your guess is going to be as good as mine.. I swear I read there some a auto pineapple expresss somewhere...
  6. baconpopcorn

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    I think you mean, is this my first run with an auto? Yes, it is- and I'm hooked! Really fun! This is also my first DWC run, I've been a coco grower for a while now. Thanks pwizzle! Thanks Tribal! Yea the reflectix seems like the way to go.
  7. baconpopcorn

    24/0 in Flowering to boost yield

    i'd still be afraid of hermies.. not sure if i'd risk it to get the biscuit
  8. baconpopcorn

    heat issues

    so that vent out of your cab with the fan, does it go anywhere else besides the room your cab is in? if not, there's your problem. i'd try to vent it through the wall into the next room/garage/outside. venting the warm air out of the room, preferably outside, will cause negative vacuum in your...
  9. baconpopcorn

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    The material is called Reflectix and can be bought at Home Depot or Lowes. I was at my local Hydro shop and saw they had this 99% reflective material that also blocked IR and acted as an insulation barrier. They wanted some godly 100 bux for a tiny roll.. but upon inspection the material felt...
  10. baconpopcorn

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    thanks micro! Update! Week 7: The ppm keeps going down every day and the pH has stabilized at 5.8. This Canna Aqua stuff really works! The bottle says it has some pH buffers help stop or atleast keep the pH swing under control. Seems to be working for me! Anyhow, next rez change I'll up the...
  11. baconpopcorn

    Fish Tank Water?

    I'd be more worried about some crazy algae outbreak using water from my fish tank. Also at 1600ppm the water seems a weeeee bit too high on the EC levels there.
  12. baconpopcorn

    Help!!! Switched to flowering nutes and plants are drooping.

    Yea, what Weedler said. My current Fruit Automatic wont take any more than 600ppm w/o showing burn or stress. Currently at week 6.5 flower and even with the low PPM's everything's looking good!
  13. baconpopcorn

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    Update! Just started venturing deeper into the 6th week since seed. Flowers are starting to popup everywhere and gain some weight. I've started to incorporate Canna PK 13/14 as a flower booster, so only time will tell now.. pH: 6.2 (bumped it up this morning, keeps going down everyday) PPM: 540ppm
  14. baconpopcorn

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    Day 43: Update! I got my hands on a 400w HPS w/ Hortilux HPS! Should really get her going ;). Also started to top off with RO water + Canna PK 13/14 since I'm technically in week 6 of flowering. pH: 5.7 ppm (0.7 conversion): 540 First pic is the roots from the TGA 3rd Dimension that turned...
  15. baconpopcorn

    Hives Break out !! HELP!! Allergic?

    funny, i have 2 strains that if i touch any of the leaves with my arm i'll start to break out in hives.. tiny itchy little bumps. oddly i can touch my current automatic with no problems. maybe strain dependent?
  16. baconpopcorn

    First dwc grow getting very bushy but not tall help please

    wait you say 12 to 14 EC?!?!? that's like 8000 PPM... if you meant 1.2 to 1.4 thats like ~800PPM. either way you put it, thats way to much PPM for such young and tiny plant... might want to dial those PPM's down to around 4~500 and what are your ambient and res temps? humidity?
  17. baconpopcorn

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    Update! So the TGA 3rd Dimension turned out to be a male, (phew) caught him before he dropped his load on the Fruit Auto. pH: 5.8~ ppm: 350 (started at 450 last rez change), had to top back up to 400 yesterday and it already down to 350. will set ppm to about 500~ next rez change.
  18. baconpopcorn

    Which continuous pH, TDS and temperature meter is best?

    So I'm looking for a continuous pH/TDS/Temp meter and ran into the: HI 991404 and HI 981504. From the looks of it they both do exactly what I want, with the later supporting digital ballasts (something about electrical interference). But with the e-ballast stuff out of the way... which is best...
  19. baconpopcorn

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    @BluBerry - Thanks! Yea I think your right, next res change I'll be bumping to 600ppm. I was considering AN VooDoo Juice also but instead went with Roots Exceleratur... which failed miserably. The 3rd day on RE I had horrible slime and the water smelled like a fish tank. So I ditched the RE and...
  20. baconpopcorn

    First DWC Grow!!! (DinaFem Fruit Auto)

    Upped the PPM's to 580 last res change and started to see some burn on the fruit auto plant. So after a day of that I lowered it down to 450ppm and everyone seems happy again. The 3rd dimension didn't seem to mind at all but since she's not flowering yet I'm going to focus more on the fruit...