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  1. L

    no smell or flavor

    i started using bird guano with these two im flowering right now. thought they were having a nitro problem and the guano took care of it. taking it easy with it..dont wanna smoke bird shit! some of the remnants of my first harvest have been in jars for a month and a half and are starting to...
  2. L

    no smell or flavor

    the first 2 were from the seeds. im flowering clones from them now. the clones seem to not have the strange yellowing the originals had. maybe the clones will be the shit? ill find out in a couple of weeks. the second 2 seeds i sprouted were total shit! now sprouting the rest of the seeds and...
  3. L

    no smell or flavor

    hey ya think its just a characteristic of this strain? ive read alot of reports on it of hardly any odor. thats fine but the flavor is whats really bugging me. Dr Gruber did a grow report on the same seeds and said it was spectacular.Id love to know what he did that im not.
  4. L

    no smell or flavor

    Its just frustrating because the flowering room smells like starburst candy when you go into it and the finished stuff just doesnt have that. grrr!
  5. L

    no smell or flavor

    about 70 days. trichomes were all white and the stigmas were all brown. couldve went maybe a few days more.
  6. L

    no smell or flavor

    the humidity in my house is between 40 and 50 percent. took almost 3 weeks to dry the last batch. my friend has been growing for 20+ years and he tried to cure some and got the same results..
  7. L

    no smell or flavor

    ive started growing cindy 99 indoors. theyre dr greenthumb seeds. the plants seem healthy and of the last 2 i harvested i got a little over 6 oz.cured. the problem is that after it starts to dry it loses the fruity smell.after its fully cured it smells more like hay than anything and has no...