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  1. P

    Areo Garden clone question

    I know nothing about growing. I just got the areo garden before Chistmas and planted seeds on Christmas day. My plants are looking beautiful. I will start flowering today. I took a cutting from the top of one about a week ago and just placed it in the machine, it rooted fine and is growing...
  2. P

    Aerogarden club

    Thanks for the help. They have all sprouted.
  3. P

    Aerogarden club

    Question? I received my Aero Garden and planted on the 25th. I got two seeds to sprout, but the roots came out of the topand started to wilt. Why are they not growing downward. I fliped them over and cut the sponge in half. Is this what I should have done? I know, I'm new and really suck at...
  4. P

    The AeroGarden

    By the way, what is hps?
  5. P

    The AeroGarden

    Hey Teknique and everyone else, I've been following this thread since it started. I saw this areo garden on a TV show, and since knowing nothing at all about growing any kind of plant, I thought that this would be good for someone like me. I typed in Aero Marijuana in a search engine and it...