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  1. F

    Alternatives to Jwh-xxx?

    well here in MY state it's NOT illegal and yes it IS a Bonzai tree Fertilizer and it sells online for $30 a gram. so for $30 you get about 150 highs! for $30 of pot you get about 15 joints. And Pot is illegal in all 50 states, whereas JWH is only illegal in 14 states. And using jwh you can pass...
  2. F


    no 1 mg cannot kill you. I have taken 4 mg's at a time and except for feeling like I am melting through my couch nothing else happened, an incredible case of the munchies, (that eating does NOT get rid of), a vary intense 'cotton mouth' but that's it.
  3. F


    Me and my gal have tried it! JWH-018 is the best thing since breaded slice! a pinch the size of a pinhead is too much but take about half that and just spread it over tobacco in a pipe. MAN! what a buzz! too much, and it feels like a trippy spacey high, though. Take a teeny amount for your first...
  4. F

    Legal Drugs?????????/

    I've recently purchased, dreamsmoke, and a few other 'legal weeds' these for the most part suck. Most of them do nothing for me, not even a slight buzz. But then I bought some Dalmiana and that stuff rocks! almost as good a high as pot! it just doesn't last as long. but now I read that it uses a...
  5. F

    Time to make some opium!

    buy an electric coffee grinder it works real well, just don't try to reues it for coffee as the oils from the weed tend to stick to the blades, ok maybe coffee would be better with that but I have two grinders one for my java one for my weed.
  6. F

    Tiny little flies, that look like fruit flies?! HELP!!

    ok if you are using Miracle grow this crappy potting soil is harvested with gnat eggs in it so that by the time you buy it the bag is infested with gnat larvae. but are they harmful to your plants? NO! they are just a pain in the ass as they love moisture and tend to hang around the soil. I...
  7. F

    want to do acid, what should I expect?

    wanna watch a weird movie while tripping? watch 'fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' with johnny depp this movie is strange even while straight! butI saw it for the first time while on shrooms and man oh man did I have some weird visions! or try 'dazed and confused!' or 'the smurfs' cartoon hell my...
  8. F

    CO2 with sugar and urine?

    yeah it'll work but after two or three days it'll start to smell, why not just use sugar and water and dry yeast packets? put 6 cups sugar into bottle add 3 packets of yeast fill (2 liter bottle) with water, this is good for about 8-10 plants for about 3 weeks and costs pennies or just dry yeast...
  9. F

    Will hydro kill the taste of my strains!?

    from personal experience Hydro is much better tasting and packs a stronger punch! weed grown in water has a much better chance of getting all the nutes that you put into it rathert than most of it going into thesoil, just remember to flush those last two weeks (stop using nutrients and ferts)...
  10. F

    help someone?!

    turn purple. I grew indoors, and the plants that got cold turned purple on the leaves. It didn't harm the growth (working under controlled conditions helped) at all, but I panicked at first, try to keep 'em warmer to ensure proper growth and budding.
  11. F

    Need help, wilting leaves, small amount of bud, and tris look done.???

    how far into growing are you? soil or dro? how often do you water? POST SOME PICS, that'll help oodles, what kind of lights and how long are they on?
  12. F

    Saving leaves

    THC and then crystalizes it to keep it from falling off or drying out. make sure it's perfectly dry before freezing to prevent mold! You can make either hash oil or a drink called the 'green dragon' from stems and old stalks 'Green Dragon' Vodka and stems. leaves, stalks, buds etc. just throw...
  13. F


    and warm white tubes for flowering. 'course due to money (or lack thereof) I used cool whites all the way from germination thru harvest. it took a bit longer (2 months veg, 2 months flowering) but it worked. keep the lights no farther than 2" from plant tops. Read the growfaq at the top of this...
  14. F

    Okay, I finally scored a small amount of weed

    I used it, sure you can grow in it, but because it's loaded with all that time-release crap, you really don't know what or when they all get released into the soil. If you can get 'soilless' potting soil, go for it! all this means is there are no added nutes or ferts in it because pot is so...
  15. F

    Dying Leafs + drooping

    the first few sets of leaves WILL die. this is normal, they just aren't getting enough light, but indoors, you don't need light at base of plants. you should try for a SOG setup or 'scrog' it both these methods can be found on this site, just cruise a little...
  16. F

    Dying Leafs + drooping

    get a small oscillating fan to strengthen the stems. Water every 3-4 days ONLY! get light close as possible, but you need a fan on 'em now read 'growfaq' at page top for best lighting placement
  17. F

    Lighting...trying to go cheap. Still bagseed experimenting

    When i started my ladies in december, i was broke, so i used my ceiling fixtures lights and all (40w cool blue). I ended up using 3 fixtures but stuck w/ those bulbs all the way thru. Today I finished my last harvesting of my 4 ladies that I 'weeded' out thru my 20 baggie seeds. I am at this...
  18. F

    How to dextoxify your body under 48hrs and be clean for life after that?

    24 hours of Gamma rays oughta' do it!! LMAO
  19. F

    Is this a good time to start flowering?

    um, how old are they? they should veg for at least 1-1 1/2 months, unless it's a certain quicker strain, I'd let them veg for at least 2-3 more weeks. Why don't you top them first? try this...
  20. F

    Lighting times??

    it'sd best at 24/0 for the entire vegging process some say. Me? i prefer the 18/6 due to fact that plants do neat things (like produce THC and resins) during dark periods. As far as I know, plants need darkness to grow properly, but this is my first indoor grow, (actually today was the last...